Hollywood's weight-loss secrets

Hollywoods weight-loss secrets

Hollywood's Weight-Loss Secrets. Know Hollywood's Weight-Loss Secrets

Los Angeles: Keen to trim down like singers Christina Aguilera and Miranda Lambert? From portion control to doing cardio or hoola-hooping, indulge in a healthy lifestyle to get the body shape you desire.

Know Hollywood's Weight-Loss SecretsPeople.com shares a list of stars who went from flab to fabulous:

Miranda Lambert: The country crooner dropped a few pounds by controllingrtions. She said she tried cutting everything in half. To stay fit on the road, Lambert now takes her trainer on tour with her. She does cardio, a lot of circuit training and more.

Trisha Yearwood: The singer took Zumba classes at least three times a week to lose weight. She admitted that since her butt and waist reduced in size, she liked seeing that in the mirror. She also said she has designed her own diet chart that's low-fat, low-sugar 90 percent of the time.

Christina Aguilera: She took a break from "The Voice" TV show as a judge. It certainly seemed to have helped as months later she displayed a great figure. It is said she tried new types of foods and explored new methods of exercise. Not for diet or weight, but more for her mind and well being and overall sense of good health.
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