Oh my word Ascetic, Aesthetic; Aesthetics, Aesthete

Oh my word Ascetic, Aesthetic; Aesthetics, Aesthete

Without preaching, MahatmaGandhi lived an ascetic life after he had returned to India from South Africa and England forever and landed in Bombay with his wife Kasturba on 9 January 1915. His attire is one of the testimonies to his asceticism.

Without preaching, MahatmaGandhi lived an ascetic life after he had returned to India from South Africa and England forever and landed in Bombay with his wife Kasturba on 9 January 1915. His attire is one of the testimonies to his asceticism.

“The existence of aesthetic universals is also suggested by the fact we humans find flowers beautiful, even though they evolved to be beautiful to bees and butterflies, which diverged from our ancestors in Cumbrian times.” –The Emerging Mind by VilayanurRamchandran

An ascetic may not have aesthetic sensibilities but copious amount of spirituality.

Ascetic functions as a noun and adjective.

Ascetic is an adjective meaning someone who lives a very simple life without even the basic comforts usually for religious reasons; someone who practices self-denial, rigourous, austere, Spartan, self-disciplined, celibate, living a frugal life, practicing abstemious existence, austere lifestyle. And the opposite for ascetic as an adjective is self-indulgent.

Ascetic as a noun refers to a recluse, self-denier, abstainer in pompous or luxurious life, monk, nun, hermit, and anchorite.

The opposite of ascetic is hedonist.

Is it possible to live an ascetic life? Many may argue that it is not possible.

“The principle of asceticism never was, nor ever can be, consistently pursued by any living creature. Let but one tenth part of the inhabitants of the earth pursue it consistently, and in a day’s time they will have turned into a Hell.” –Jeremy Bentham

The variants of ascetic are ascetically (adverb) and asceticism.

Aseptic means surgically clean.

Aesthetic is an adjective meaning concerned with beauty and the appreciation of beauty; someone who appreciates beauty, and beautiful things in life; something that is pleasing to look at, watch, especially those things that are artistic, and tasteful.

Alternative spelling for aesthetic is esthetic (US).

People do have aesthetic sense if only they apply thought, or think, or check the beauty around them and themselves.

Money is not necessary to maintain aesthetic standards, is that so?

In arranged marriages, do they marry for aesthetic or for financial reasons?

Craftsperson, sculptors and painters produce art works not only for commercial reasons but also for aesthetic purposes.

However, people with hand-to-mouth existence may bypass to buy goods that may have aesthetic designs but not of great utility value.

The variants of aesthetic are aesthetically (adverb) and aestheticism (or aestheties).

Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and artistic tastes.

Who is an aesthete (or esthete)? Derogatively, aesthete is a person who claims to have a fine sense for art and beauty.

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