Naidu slapped on my thigh, reveals Pocharam

Naidu slapped on my thigh, reveals Pocharam

Telangana Agriculture Minister Pocharam Srinivas Reddy\'s submission about an incident involving him and then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh N Chandrababu Naidu regarding privatisation of the Nizam Sugar Factory resulted in an uproar when he revealed that Naidu had slapped him hard on his thigh. 

Uproar over Nizam Sugar Factory

Hyderabad: Telangana Agriculture Minister Pocharam Srinivas Reddy's submission about an incident involving him and then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh N Chandrababu Naidu regarding privatisation of the Nizam Sugar Factory resulted in an uproar when he revealed that Naidu had slapped him hard on his thigh.

The animated debate took place on Wednesday in the Assembly when TDP member A Revanth Reddy pointed out that as per the national crime records bureau, 898 farmers had committed suicide during 2014 and alleged that only 342 were given ex gratia amount.

Intervening at this point, the minister informed the House that between 1998 and 2014 when the TDP and Congress were in power, at least 34,073 farmers had committed suicide, but ex gratia was given only to 6,212 families.

Reacting to the information given by the minister, Revanth Reddy said that during TDP's rule in 1998, Pocharam Srinivas Reddy, present Chief Minister KCR, another minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav and others were part of the government and questioned whether they could be held responsible for the deaths during that period.

Reacting sharply to the observations made by the TDP member, the minister said that during TDP rule, when there was a proposal for closure of the Nizam Sugar Factory, he had pleaded with Chandrababu Naidu to desist from going ahead with the privatisation plan. “Though I was a district minister, I was not allowed to be the part of the Cabinet sub-committee on the NSF.

Ministers Yanamala Ramakrishnudu and K Vidyadhar Rao and a minister from Vizianagaram were included in the sub-committee. During the final meeting, I pleaded with Naidu not to sign the report, but he slapped me hard on my thigh, which resulted in a red patch instantly.

After going out of the meeting, Chandrababu Naidu called me and apologized. He informed me that his 'repeated pleading' had irritated him and that it was a spontaneous reaction from his end, without any intention to harm him. I told him that his actions had pierced his heart (read as pained him) and the red patch was nothing it front of it,” said Pocharam Srinivas Reddy.

Congress member Jeevan Reddy immediately questioned Pocharam how he could continue as a minister after that incident. “As per Parliamentary practices, if a minister does not agree with the Chief Minister, he should resign immediately. Why did Srinivas Reddy not resign at that time?” asked Jeevan Reddy.

Revanth Reddy questioned the timing of the revelation and sought to know when the minister (Pocharam) would reveal the present Chief Minister’s (KCR) deeds. Stating that the TRS had assured to reopen the Nizam Sugar Factory, the TDP member said even though 21 months have passed, the government is yet to take a decision on reviving the Nizam Sugar Factory.

Taken aback by the Opposition onslaught, the Agriculture Minister countered Congress members asking them why they did not resign from their posts when the Chief Minister of undivided Andhra Pradesh N Kiran Kumar Reddy said he would not give a single rupee to Telangana. This resulted in a furore and Congress members rushed into the well of the House forcing the Speaker to adjourn the House for 10 minutes.

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