Registration Dept can cancel govt land registrations: HC

Registration Dept can cancel govt land registrations: HC

The High Court at Hyderabad has made it clear that the Registration Department has the right to cancel the sale deeds without giving any prior notice to private individuals who have got the government lands registered in their names.

Hyderabad: The High Court at Hyderabad has made it clear that the Registration Department has the right to cancel the sale deeds without giving any prior notice to private individuals who have got the government lands registered in their names.

If the private individual is aggrieved by such action of the Registration Department, he or she can approach the civil courts concerned in search of remedy. Justice P Naveen Rao made these observations in a recent order, while dismissing the writ petition filed one V Lakshmi Prasanna challenging the cancellation of sale deed registered in her name in the year 2007 by Sangareddy Joint Sub-Registrar.

Senior counsel Y V Ravi Prasad argued on behalf of the petitioner that the Sub-Registrar had no right to unilaterally cancel the document without giving any notice, that too after a lapse of 10 years. The Government Pleader contended that the writ petition was not even maintainable as there was an alternative remedy available to the petitioner in the form of civil courts.

The judge concurred with the submissions of the Government Pleader and observed that High Court cannot go into the factual issues to be clinched while deciding whether the action of the Sub-Registrar was correct or not. It is the civil court that is competent to decide such issues. With these observations, he dismissed the petition.

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