Mystery shrouds death of teen girl

Mystery shrouds death of teen girl

18-year-old girl drowned in water-filled quarry under suspicious circumstances under Jagadgirigutta police station limits in Medchal district on Sunday.

Hyderabad: 18-year-old girl drowned in water-filled quarry under suspicious circumstances under Jagadgirigutta police station limits in Medchal district on Sunday.

Lakshmi Kare, who was part of the labour force working for 2BHK houses in Devender Nagar was staying along with her family at the construction site. On Sunday morning, she completed her household chores and left her house and was traced nearby big quarry pit.

“I heard her cries and while I was speaking on phone. Unable to react to the situation I immediately tried to alert her father, but it was too late,” said Sunil, the labourer at the site and an eye witness. Locals are still unable to figure out the mysterious death of the young woman whose slippers were found about 100 meters away from the spot she drowned. Meanwhile the labourers as well as residents who have been demanding closing of the quarry pit, have taken up the matter with the local TRS leaders who visited spot.

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