United effort needed to curb violence against women

United effort needed to curb  violence against women

Abhadra Bharatam Strongly condemning the increasing atrocities against women, some of the State ministers, academicians, women organizations and...

sgdfjhgsdhgjhsdgAbhadra Bharatam Strongly condemning the increasing atrocities against women, some of the State ministers, academicians, women organizations and students called for a united effort to create 'violence-free' society and safeguard women and their rights. Participating in "Abhadra Bharatam" programme, organized by HMTV and The Hans India, on the occasion of International Women's Day here on Friday, Home Minister P Sabitha Indra Reddy said a slew of measures have been taken to protect women from violence including setting up reception centres in police stations to receive complaints from women in the state. Expressing serious concern over the delay in awarding punishment to the accused in the attacks on women, she said government sent a proposal to the Centre seeking its permission to set up Fast-Track courts to dispose of such cases in three to six months. Abolition of pub culture, in view of increasing usage of drugs, was also under active consideration.Stressing the need to create a safe atmosphere for women to excel in their professions and also bring some changes in the education system, Sabitha said the impact of advertisements, TV serials, media and films had changed the behavior of youth in the present days. It was unfortunate that educated persons were indulging in attacks on women and the cases were increased. Listing out the schemes taken up by the government for the protection of women, she said the Home and Women Development and Child Welfare created a coordination cell to deal women-related issues in the districts. Counseling centers will be created in colleges to protect girl students from harassment. A helpline will also be established to receive the complaints on phone and react quickly on it. Major Industries Minister Dr J Geeta Reddy said it was shameful that women were carrying pepper and chilly sprays to protect themselves from violence in the present days. Although many laws were enacted for the protections of women, majority of them are not implemented in true spirit, she lamented. Stating that economic progress will only help women to development socially and politically, Dr Reddy said her government was offering schemes to promote women entrepreneurs. She called girl students to develop their skills and establish industries by using subsidies and other facilities.She also expressed concern over low female literacy rate in the State and increasing female feticides in the state.State Women Development and Child Welfare Minister Sunitha Laxma Reddy said that women are performing well in all fields on par with men, but they were denied to enjoy their rights in the society due to increasing atrocities. As the government will not provide security to every woman, she said that women should learn about self-defense. Stating that the government will also launch "Sakhyam" scheme to bring behavioral changes in boys, she said the social action committees constituted by Self help Groups (SHGs) were solving all family related disputes. Out of 42,000 cases, it had solved 38,000 so far. Retired Professor Rama Melkote said rule of law was not being implemented in the country resulting in women becoming victims in the society. Girl students still face insecurity in the universities. Calling upon women to stop participating in Women's Day celebrations, Anveshi director K Lalitha said violence on women has increased in the society although many laws were in place. It was high time every one joined hands and fight for women's rights. Political power will help to overcome the crisis. Nirbhaya's rape case was an eye opener for the government and it should enforce strict laws to punish the accused. Centre for Citizen Care representative Sajaya said that the capital punishment to the accused in cases of attack on women was not the solution. The need of the hour is to fight against such incidents and ensure the safety of women in future. Stating that the society has been divided vertically, she urged people to stop conducting candle light dharnas as it will not help to solve the women issues. Jyothi Reddy, who was running a software firm in the USA, said women should develop themselves and take decisions on their own to reach heights in their lives. It was also the need of the hour to fight against all odds in the society. Writer G Shyamala said the outrage against Nirbhaya's rape in New Delhi brought awareness among women folk across the country. She also stressed on the need to bring reforms in police department and create awareness on women's rights regularly. Head of Journalism department in Osmania University Padmaja Shaw said women were recognized more as a vote bank. Their rights and plights were not being considered seriously by the successive governments. No facilities were being created for women enabling them to discharge their duties effectively. She pointed out administrative lapses in the government in the protection of women. Arunodaya Sahithi Sanskritika Samakya leader Vimalakka criticized the governments for its failure in the protecting women from attacks. Women were also sexually assaulted in police stations during interrogation. She called for united struggle for women's rights. POW (Progressive Organization for Women) Sandhya urged the government to prepare an action plan for the protection of women. She said women protection was not the agenda for the governments. Head of the department of Journalism in S V University Nagamallika said the biggest challenge for women was whom they approach to and how to utilize the laws for their protection. She emphasised the need to provide campaign and create awareness about existing laws.Sri Megha Institution Director Nagasri stressed the need to inculcate moral education among college going students and stop obscenity in media, film which were influencing them and behaving against social values. Student from CMS, Nakshatra said politicians and corruption was responsible for the increasing violence. Changing mindset among people will only help to address the women issues.Srivarshini urged government to implement all laws strictly instead of running pillar to post to bring new acts. Sharada pointed out non-implementation of Dowry Prohibition Act. The two other students Bhargavi and Srivaishnavi said girls have every strength to fight on par with boys. Lack of government's sincerity in the upliftment of women would be the main reason for their backwardness.
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