Kashmir attracts tourists during autumn season

Kashmir attracts tourists during autumn season

Kashmir Attracts Tourists During Autumn Season.People Are Getting A View Of The PicturesQue Valley During This Season.

Srinagar:Tourists from around the world are thronging Kashmir in large numbers to enjoy the autumn season in the valley. People are getting a view of the picturesque valley during this season.
The golden colour of Chinar tree leaves has left tourists spellbound. This season also marks the beginning of winters in Kashmir, as the locals collect fallen Chinar leaves and burn them during winters.
Director of the Department of Floriculture in Kashmir, Sunil Mishri, informed that the inflow of tourists during the autumn season has increased and people are visiting Mughal gardens in large numbers.
"This time a lot of tourists have come, especially at Shalimar garden (largest Mughal garden in the valley) and the Nishat garden (second largest Mughal garden in Kashmir valley).
The inflow of tourists this season so far has been really good. Tourists prefer visiting regions which are colder as compared to Srinagar like Kokernag garden and several other gardens in Pahalgam as they want to see trees changing colour that can be seen during autumn season only," said Sunil .
Meanwhile, local residents say that Kashmir is not only known for its beauty but also for its different seasons, which attract tourists throughout the year.
Apart from India, tourists from places like Switzerland and Thailand are visiting the valley.
A tourist from Thailand, Yang Chin, said that he was enjoying his stay in the valley and the view was perfect for photography.
"Due to the trees having such beautiful different colours, it is really good for the photography and also for relaxing," said
Yang Chin.
During winters, the Chinar tree and the pleasant climate attract visitors. Autumn season starts in the valley from mid-September till December 21.

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