Ayurvedic drug to treat Covid get Centre's nod

Ayurvedic drug to treat Covid

Ayurvedic drug to treat Covid get Centre's nod (Representational image)


Ayurvedic anti viral oral drug -Clevira which provides relief to the Covid patients with mild and moderate conditions has get the approval of Union ministry of AYUSH

Hyderabad: Ayurvedic anti viral oral drug -Clevira which provides relief to the Covid patients with mild and moderate conditions has get the approval of Union ministry of AYUSH. The drug is the first to receive approvals through various stages of scrutiny at CCRAS (The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences) and Inter Disciplinary Technical Review committee (ITRC), a 12 member technical committee constituted by the union ministry.

A phase III Clinical trial was carried out in Government Medical College, Omandurar Govt Estate Chennai, based on Government approval from Tamil Nadu. "The trial outcomes revealed Clevira having 86 per cent recovery rate on 5th day of treatment in Mild to Moderate Covid-19 and 100 per cent recovery rate noticed on 10th day of treatment, as per RT PCR or CT values. Clinical recovery from all signs and symptoms registered on 4.1 days. Clevira is proven to be safe on Kidney and Liver parameters also", Apex Laboratories head Arthur Paul said.

He further said that the study outcomes were also placed before Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Ministry of AYUSH in 2020. After various stages of scrutiny and deliberations before various technical review committees, the union government regulators have granted approval for Clevira as a supporting measure for mild to moderate condition of Covid-19.

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