Few Crazy Facts about Babies, which you may not be aware of

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  • Babies are overloaded with cuteness
  • Babies born in winter start crawling than those born in summer

Everyone like babies having big eyes and innocent smiles, but how much do you really know about them, is the big question. You might be very surprised by their fascinating traits.

Below you can find few of the crazy facts about Babies

1. Born with 300 bones

Adults tend to have nearing to 206 bones in their bodies, while the babies come into the world having 300 bones. Numerous of these bones, initially connected by a sort of a membrane, will fuse over the first few years, of life. A baby's malleable skeleton makes birth easier.

2. Born without knee caps

In place of kneecaps, babies are born having cartilage, that would later become bone in life. Flexible cartilage helps avoid knee inju

3. Stomach is tiny

One day after birth, a baby's stomach is the size of a cherry, it quickly expands to reach the size of an egg after one week. It is no surprise, then, the babies wake so frequently to eat or nurse.

4. New Born have Poor Vision

At birth, babies have very limited vision. They cannot see further than 20 cm (8 inches) detect only few color and cannot judge distance well, their vision, however develops very quickly, by the age one, their vision is almost similar to an adult.

5. New borns do not cry tears

During the initial few months of life, infants do not release tears, when they cry. Infact, babies can make tear, but their tear ducts are not fully formed and the quantity of tears is insufficient to actually flow from their eyes. Tears form only after two or three months of age.

6. Babies born with the tooth

Few babies are born with a tooth, known as natal tooth. The major cause of such phenomena remains undetermined, but few hypotheses point to the exposure to toxic substance during the pregnancy.

7. Taste buds in their throats

Have you ever wondered if babies can detect different flavours? The answer is yes. In fact, babies have more taste buds than adults. They even have taste buds in their throats.

8. Their eyes can change color

While most babies are born with blue-grey eyes, this color may not be definitive. A person's eye color is determined by genetics. And it can take six to eight months to find out if your baby's eyes will be blue, brown, grey or green.

9. Their Gestures resemble of Chimpanzees

As per the recent study, it has been found, human babies as well as chimpanzees share 89% of their gestures. Researchers arrived at this conclusion after observing the two species in their natural environment and noting significant similarities between them..

10. They understand three times more words than they can say

Be careful about what you say around your baby, even at just few months of age, just because he or she cannot talk does not mean that your child cannot understand you. In fact, babies start to understand words at the age of six months. Language develops later, but until then, infants would find it easier to understand words than say them.

11. Newborns recognize their mothers Voice

Researchers have analyzed the brains of newborns to find out if they distinguish between the voice of their mother and that of unfamiliar woman. Their studies show that babies clearly react differently when they heath their mothers voice.

12. Hearing is a fetus's Sharpest sense

A fetus hearing develop at around the 18th week of pregnancy. While hearing is the fourth sense to develop. It is the sharpest, at 24 weeks, fetuses can hear their mothers heartbeat and digestive system and around the fifth or sixth month, they begin to hear the external sounds.

13. Cord blood belongs only to the baby

There is no exchange of blood between a baby's umbilical cord and his or her mother's circulatory system. If a fetus requires a blood transfusion and is incompatible with the mother's blood type, a transfusion can be given directly to the baby

14. They spend nearly half of their first-year sleeping

From birth to age three months, new born sleep between 14 and 18 hours per day. From age 4 to 11 months, they sleep between 12 and 15 hours each day.

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