Nevada Governor congratulates inter-religious dialogue “Faith Forum” on 5th anniversary

Nevada Governor congratulates inter-religious dialogue “Faith Forum” on 5th anniversary

Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has congratulated “Faith Forum”, a highly popular one-of-a-kind weekly multi-faith dialogue on religion at a Pulitzer winner Gannett publication in Nevada, on completion of five years.

Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has congratulated “Faith Forum”, a highly popular one-of-a-kind weekly multi-faith dialogue on religion at a Pulitzer winner Gannett publication in Nevada, on completion of five years.

In a signed “Certificate of Recognition” presented to Faith Forum, Sandoval wrote: As Governor of the State of Nevada, I congratulate you on your fifth anniversary and I thank you for your continued dedication to promoting a multi-faith dialogue within our community.

Religious statesman Rajan Zed, who has been bestowed with “World Interfaith Leader Award”, leads a panel of leaders of various religions and denominations to produce this weekly discussion Forum on Sundays at Reno Gazette-Journal (RGJ) (one of the leading newspapers of Nevada), involving important religious issues affecting the area-country-world.

Panelists currently include: Father Robert W. Chorey (Roman Catholic), Dr. Steve B. Bond (Christian Church), Dr. Sherif A. Elfass (Muslim), Reverend Matthew T. Fisher (Buddhist), Rabbi ElizaBeth Webb Beyer (Jewish), Father Stephen Karcher (Greek Orthodox), Sharla S. Hales (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), Dr. Bradley S. Corbin (Baha’i), Dr. Kenneth G. Lucey (religion professor) and Brian E. Melendez (Native American spirituality). Guest panelists, belonging to diverse religions/denominations, are also invited to participate from time to time.

Rajan Zed points out: This widely read column is for constructive dialogue and this dialogue effort has brought more mutual understanding and trust and loyalty in the community.

RGJ, whose traces go back to 1870 and which has been recognized for its journalistic excellence, produces various other print and online publications also. McLean (Virginia, USA) headquartered Gannett is a leading media and marketing company headed by Bob Dickey.

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