Chirec boys, Vasvani girls pocket chess titles

Chirec boys, Vasvani girls pocket chess titles

Chirec boys, Vasvani girls pocket chess titles. Showing a high degree of perseverance and consistency, the boys from Chirec Public School and Sadhu Vasvani International School girls emerged as champions in their respective categories of the 12th Devasia Inter-school chess tournament 2015-16 that concluded in the Bowenpally premises of St Andrews School, which hosted the three-day championship.

All the winners of the 12th Devasia Inter-school chess tournament 2015-16 pose with A Narasimha Reddy, Vice-President, AICF and Rajender Maini, Dean of St Andrews School in Hyderabad on Wednesday. Photo: Saleem.Hyderabad: Showing a high degree of perseverance and consistency, the boys from Chirec Public School and Sadhu Vasvani International School girls emerged as champions in their respective categories of the 12th Devasia Inter-school chess tournament 2015-16 that concluded in the Bowenpally premises of St Andrews School, which hosted the three-day championship.

While the host’s team settled for the runner-up position in the boys’ competition, Chirec girls clinched the second spot. Meanwhile, St Martin’s High School boys and Pallavi Model School girls were conferred with the ‘fair Play Award’ in their respective categories. Later, A Narasimha Reddy, Vice-President, All India Chess Federation and Rajender Maini, Dean of St Andrews School jointly distributed the prizes.

Final round results-Boys: Chirec Public School bt St Andrews (A); Indus School bt Hindu Public School; St Andrews (B) drew with Jubilee Hills Public School; Pallavi Model School bt St Martin’s (B); St Martin’s School (A) drew with Secunderabad Public School; Sadhu Vasvani International School drew with St Andrews (C); Meridian Kukatpally bt Claps School; Meridian Banjara Hills received a bye; Girls: Sadhu Vasvani International School bt St Andrews (A); Chirec Public School bt Pallavi Model School; Meridian Banjara Hills bt St Andrews (B); JHPS bt Meridian Kukatpally; Hindu Public School bt Claps School; Indus School received a bye.

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