Siblings Day

Siblings Day

It would be difficult to contest the fact that the bond between siblings is extra-special. Especially because many of them have spent most of their entire lives together.

It would be difficult to contest the fact that the bond between siblings is extra-special. Especially because many of them have spent most of their entire lives together. Many people can't even remember a time when their siblings weren't part of their lives. Some of them even shared a womb at the same time, if they were born as multiples.

Sibling bonds are often life-long relationships, usually lasting from cradle to grave. Since siblings are most likely from the same generation, these are often the longest relationships of a person's life–much longer than a mother's and father's relationship.

Siblings Day is a way of honouring the special bond that happens within families, as brothers and sisters share life together from childhood into adulthood and even into old age.

Sometimes called Brothers and Sisters Day, this is a day of celebration and recognition for siblings around the world, whether they have passed on or are still living.

Depending on the circumstances, celebrating Siblings Day might be a fun, enjoyable event, or it might come with some bittersweet memories. Either way, it's an important day to recognize and remember, so put these ideas into practice or come up with other creative ways to acknowledge the day:

Spend Time with a Sibling

One of the most important activities on this day is to acknowledge and appreciate a brother or sister (or both!) Siblings Day can be celebrated by making a phone call to a sibling, sending a card or gift, making a dinner invitation, or simply going for a walk in the park.

For those who have siblings who have passed away, this might be a nice time to visit a place that holds happy memories from younger days. It might be necessary to take time to be sad, if needed, and also take time to remember and be thankful.

Reminisce Through Old Photos

Many people have lots of old photos that they haven't looked at in quite some time. Whether they were taken on film long ago and are now sitting in a shoebox somewhere, or they have been digitized and are easily accessible online, Siblings Day is a fun day to enjoy the nostalgia of those photos.

Share them with others in the family who might also have enjoyable memories. Siblings Day might even be the right time to put together a scrapbook to hold photos, memories and stories of beloved brothers and sisters.

Teach Children to Appreciate Their Siblings

It's never too early to get a start on teaching children to love and care for their brothers and sisters.

For parents of little ones who want to celebrate Siblings Day, it's fun to dress siblings in matching outfits and have a photo shoot. Older kids can write letters or stories that include the things they appreciate each other–these can then be put into a memory box to read when the kids grow up!

Listen to Music about Brothers and Sisters

Creating and sharing a playlist in honor of the relationship between siblings is a fun way to celebrate Sibling Day. For those who have local siblings, get together and listen to songs that have special nostalgia within the family. For those who have faraway siblings or siblings who have passed away, listening to songs that are reminiscent of times together can be therapeutic.

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