Be your own hero to save yourself




Focus on building energy, take medication on time, to a few sessions of steam machine, take liquid diets and ensure that you don’t take this lightly. Monitor your oxygen and temperature quarterly

"If you are not someone who is sick enough to be in the hospital, remember you can beat this" asserts Tanvi, a 21-year-old Covid survivor. She has been her own source of motivator and glued to positive thoughts throughout her isolation period.

She said that 14 days in isolation is a great landmark for a Covid-19 patient and you only understand this feeling when you are someone who has gone through it, counting each breath and just praying nothing uncertain to happen with you. "I focused on building my energy, took medication timely, a few sessions of steam machine, kept the liquids flowing and ensure you don't take this lightly. Monitor your oxygen and temperature quarterly. You need to ensure that you're eating well, this was a big task for me as I didn't feel to eat anything but it is essential that you push yourself and eat healthy, nutritious food during this time." she added.

The 21-year-old shares, on some days you are going to be physically drained and on others, you will be emotionally overwhelmed. In both these times, you need to take advantages of your support system that is your family and friends. Having a positive attitude does indeed have a great impact on your body. "set a routine, plan your day and then just go with the flow depending on how you feel. Ensure once you get out of your sickness and jump back into your life and take things slower as usual. We all know about post-covid effects. Hence, post covid care is important." said Tanvi.

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