ISA announced new office bearers for the years 2024-2026

ISA announced new office bearers for the years 2024-2026

The seventh session of the ISA Assembly, held today in New Delhi's historic Bharat Mandapam, elected its President and Co-President for a two-year term from 2024 to 2026.

New Delhi: The seventh session of the ISA Assembly, held today in New Delhi's historic Bharat Mandapam, elected its President and Co-President for a two-year term from 2024 to 2026. The Republic of India was the lone candidate for President, while the Republic of France and Grenada disputed the Co-Presidency, with France emerging victorious. The International Solar Alliance Assembly Rules outline the process for electing the President, Co-President, and Vice President.

The Assembly elects the President and Co-President based on equal geographical representation. The ISA Members are divided into four regional groups: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Others, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The Standing Committee selects eight Vice Presidents, two from each of the four geographical areas, based on their seniority in presenting the instrument of ratification to the depositary on a rotating basis from the ISA Member Countries in that region.

The Republic of Ghana and the Republic of Seychelles will hold office as Vice Presidents for the Africa region; the Commonwealth of Australia and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for Asia and the Pacific region; the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Italy for Europe and the Others region; Grenada and Republic of Suriname from the Latin America and the Caribbean region.

As the apex decision-making body of ISA, the Assembly holds significant authority and responsibility. It represents each Member Country and takes critical decisions about the implementation of the ISA's Framework Agreement and the coordinated efforts required to attain its goals.

The Assembly meets annually at the ministerial level at the ISA's headquarters, emphasizing the frequency and significance of these events. It evaluates the overall impact of programs and other actions on solar energy deployment, performance, dependability, cost, and financial scale.

The Seventh Session of the ISA Assembly is now discussing the organization's core priorities, with a focus on three crucial issues: energy access, energy security, and energy transition. These conversations are intended to explore and find answers to these pressing global problems.

The ISA's governance bodies—the Assembly, the Standing Committee, and the Regional Committees—provide an integrated approach to governance and decision-making within the Alliance. These sessions allow the ISA Secretariat to strengthen cooperation with ISA Member Countries while also allowing Member Countries to better collaborate among themselves and discover mutually beneficial areas of cooperation and partnership.

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