Prometheus 2 to start filming in January 2016

Prometheus 2 to start filming in January 2016

Prometheus 2 to start filming in January 2016. The sequel of 2012 science fiction film ‘Prometheus’ will begin production in early 2016. Director Ridley Scott hinted that he will shoot ‘Prometheus 2’ in January 2016 in an interview with Total Film magazine.

The sequel of 2012 science fiction film ‘Prometheus’ will begin production in early 2016. Director Ridley Scott hinted that he will shoot ‘Prometheus 2’ in January 2016 in an interview with Total Film magazine.

“I've got back into the sci-fi thing, I kind of adore it,” Scott said. He said that there were 15 drafts of the script going around and there have been rumours about the plot details. Back in 2014, the director said that the titular alien Xenomorph would not appear in the sequel, reasoning that the monster was overused so he decided to leave it out.

Months later, Scott hinted that he would introduce a new species of alien for the sequel and there wouldn't be any shortage of creepy, strange creatures in the upcoming film. Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace are set to reprise their roles as David and Elizabeth Shaw respectively. Scott and Walter Hill produce the movie, while the script is written by Michael Green. The sci-fi movie is likely to release on March 3, 2016.

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