Be intelligent towards you and emotional towards others – HR message

Be intelligent towards you and emotional towards others – HR message

Only the honest corporate employees can answer the question of when they really go very sad / melancholy. Do they feel sad when they don’t get promotion that they were expecting or when they come to know of their colleague who got promotion?

Only the honest corporate employees can answer the question of when they really go very sad / melancholy. Do they feel sad when they don’t get the promotion that they were expecting or when they come to know of their colleague who got a promotion? The bitter truth is that only when they get to know of the news that their colleague had got a promotion, they feel the worst more than they being denied promotion. Imagine, even if they have also got promotion along with the colleague, still they feel miserable than being happy and joyful due to the promotion of their colleague.

Why people in most corporate behave so strangely? Why even the happy moments they make it worse, miserable and sad to them. The reason being the people always resist changes. Unfortunately, they can perceive and understand the changes obviously only when that occur around them or outside of them. Both in corporate and in the jungle, both the people and animals are always cautious about their surroundings. They are governed largely by the world around them than the world from within.

When a corporate employee gets to know the promotion of their colleague or co-worker, they see a ‘change’. Their mind immediately resists. The interesting paradox is that only intelligence looks for stability, only intelligence resist change and only intelligence longs to be in a state of inertia. When they get a promotion, they receive it emotionally than intelligently. Hence they do not perceive much change, with or without promotion. On the other hand, they always raise doubts on the merit and intelligence of their colleague who got a promotion.

The intelligence always resists change and that is why the change that had happened to their fellow colleague in the form of promotion, affects them the worst. Whether we call it jealousy or greed or sadism or by any other name or nomenclature, people use less emotion for others and less intelligence for themselves.

They always want to be very wise, intelligent, capable and knowledgeable only to others. Are they the same towards ‘them’ also is a big question, unfortunately, no one dares to ask. If people re-organize ‘E’ (emotion) and ‘I’ (intelligence) by being intelligent towards themselves and emotional (empathetic) towards others, much of the conflicts in corporate, the people can surmount easily.

All animals, in general, use only intelligence to themselves and emotion for others whether they are in a herd or pride or pack or troop etc. That is the reason why none of the animals ever known to gossip or form a coterie and engaged in sycophancy or feel jealous about other members of the group or look for an appropriate time to take revenge upon their enemy.

The scope of the discussion is not about a comparison of corporate man and animals in the jungle. Understand the fundamental reason for your sorrow i.e., resistance to change. Develop capabilities to understand and appreciate the changes within you and be intelligent towards you than to others. Reserve your emotions for others also. Overcome the ‘law of resistance’ wisely.

Dr. S Ranganathan

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