Get transformed

Get transformed

“Red Bull?  Don\'t give him Red Bull,\" this is what Yuvraj Singh said when someone offered me a Red Bull in the IPL. People always ask me where I get my energy from. I don\'t drink coffee or tea and of course, not Red Bull. What I do every day to maximise my energy is follow a customised ritual called the ‘Power Hour’.

“Red Bull? Don't give him Red Bull," this is what Yuvraj Singh said when someone offered me a Red Bull in the IPL. People always ask me where I get my energy from. I don't drink coffee or tea and of course, not Red Bull. What I do every day to maximise my energy is follow a customised ritual called the ‘Power Hour’.

What is a Power Hour Ritual? It is an hour of you being charged up that will last the entire day and you will be in a better state, a more positive state of mind to deal with any curveballs that life throws at you. You will be aligned with the work that you really want in your life and be completely connected with it.

If you want to get rid of procrastination, Power Hour is the best tool to use. Not only will it help your emotional and mental state, but also sets you up to absolutely figure out what you want in your day and how you can achieve it.

There are four batteries of energy – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The first battery is your physical battery. This battery of energy relates to your physical body. There are multiple ways to charge this battery. One way is to get quality sleep.

Take, for example, Dadi Janki, a 98-year-old woman who Oxford University says has the most stable brain patterns in the world. She goes to sleep every night at 11 o'clock and wakes up at 3 am. It is not about the amount of sleep she gets, but the quality of sleep she gets and the time at which she sleeps.

How else can we get our physical battery charged? Through exercise – emotion comes from motion. If you want to change how you feel, then move. When you get your body moving, you have power and you have energy.

Another way to recharge our physical battery is through eating the right food. What gives us energy? Any alkaline foods, which are our green foods, are good in energy. The brain like any part of the body needs electromagnetic energy. The body needs a certain amount of charge and the brain needs 65-70 megahertz of energy.

My secret energy boosting food is the cucumber. Cucumber gives us the necessary megahertz of energy that the brain needs. Another way to improve our alkaline balance in our body is to have freshly squeezed lemon in a glass of water first thing in the morning.

How many of you have been eating and sleeping well, but are still tired? This is because you are not charging the second battery - the mental battery. Every morning when you wake up, read something before you do any work. Something that will give me some knowledge in the day; something that your brain can chew on. Anything that mentally stimulates you, will give you more energy. This is how you can recharge your mental battery.

The third battery is the emotional battery. The quality of the emotions we live in is the quality of our life. If you are stressed, your life is stressed. If you are tired, your life is tired and your relationships will be tired. The best way to recharge your emotional battery is to use affirmations. Some examples of affirmations are - every day I feel happier, every day I feel more confident. Customise these affirmations to the emotions you want to anchor and say them out loud every morning.

The fourth battery is your spirit battery. This is directly related to things that inspire and awaken your spirit. Inspiration comes from the Latin word, “Inspirito”. If we live in our spirit, i.e. driven by a meaningful purpose or mission, then that in itself gives us energy. I get my energy from my mission, which is to inspire a generation of people to be happy, confident and successful world changing leaders. For me, my spirit is my purpose and my mission.

When I am connected to that, nothing can stop me; in turn, it fills me with energy. You can charge this battery is by spending time with nature. There are so many ways you can connect to the elements in nature; those in itself will charge you with energy.

I encourage you to make a ritual of it. This power hour allows me to recharge all four batteries, therefore when I am tired, I recognise which battery is low and charge that up. Most people identify the wrong battery is down and recharge that. You may be mentally and emotionally tired, but you binge eat to physically charge yourself up thinking that that is the solution. It is really important you know which battery is down and therefore you can recharge it.

If you do this ritual, your mornings will be transformed. You will get hooked, it gets you aligned, it makes you strong and centred in a way that you have a massive level of power and an abundance of energy. As my gift to you to maximise your energy, please visit, put in your name and email in and you will get a free audio and workbook on how to ‘Maximise Your Energy’. Live an inspired life!

By: Anand Chulani
The writer is an award-winning speaker, legacy advisor and peak performance coach

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