BJP flays KCR, Harish for anti-Dalit remark

BJP flays KCR, Harish for anti-Dalit remark

The State BJP has criticised Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and Irrigation Minister T Harish Rao for calling the party an anti-Dalit. Instead, they asked both to check the track record of their own government in the State in the last four years.

Hyderabad: The State BJP has criticised Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and Irrigation Minister T Harish Rao for calling the party an anti-Dalit. Instead, they asked both to check the track record of their own government in the State in the last four years.

Addressing a joint press conference here on Wednesday, BJP State Official Spokesperson Krishna Saagar Rao and BJP State SC Morcha president Vemula Ashok said that neither the BJP-lead Centre nor Prime Minister Narendra Modi had anything to do with a Public Interest Litigation filed by a third party in the Apex Court and the subsequent ruling of a two-judge bench.

Krishna Saagar Rao said that the KCR’s advice to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to personally talk to the Chief Justice of India on the issue shows lack of democratic ethos of the TRS government and its leader. He questioned as to how could in a democratic system, a PM could take up such issues when the judiciary is an independent constitutional institution?

Terming the advice of the KCR as an extreme human, he said the Centre could not act in autocratic and undemocratic ways adopted by the TRS, which was trying to crush every democratic institution threatening freedom of expression and dissent.

Lashing out at the TRS chief for attacking the saffron party, the Centre and the Prime Minister, Ashok said that the statements of KCR and Harish Rao were politically motivated to take mileage out of the evil designs of the Congress and communist parties. He said both the Congress and Left parties have lost their political space in the country. And, it was to regain their lost hold that both have been trying to instigate passions among Dalits in the northern parts of the country, in which 12 persons have died.

He reminded how the Congress party had defeated DR B R Ambedkar and daughter of former Union Minister late Babu Jagjivan Ram in the elections. Contrary to this, it was the BJP government at the Centre which had unveiled the portrait of Ambedkar in the Central Hall of the Parliament and conferred Bharat Ratna for his services to the country.

Like Congress and Left, KCR too had promised to make a Dalit as the first chief minister of the State but failed to deliver on the same. It was to cover up this, he had promised three acres to Dalits. But, he failed in that too. Fifty per cent allocations in double bedroom houses, cruel treatment meted out to Dalits in Nerella were few to showcase KCR and the State government's attitude towards Dalits and their welfare, he said.

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