Chandigarh Art Gallery, a place to be

Chandigarh Art Gallery, a place to be

If you suffer from that\" itching feet syndrome\" and cannot find yourself resting in a place, then certainly you got a lot to see in this world!

If you suffer from that" itching feet syndrome" and cannot find yourself resting in a place, then certainly you got a lot to see in this world!

A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to finally spare some time to explore the city beautiful, Chandigarh!! During my sojourn here, I never got a chance to see the hidden beauty of this place. One such place that I liked the most is" Chandigarh Art Gallery and Museum".

People who love to write, love to observe. So, this was finally the place I wanted to visit for the last 5 years!! I entered the art gallery and the first thing I noticed was a large photograph of Mr B.N Goawami. The place was very calm and peaceful with much to offer.

The first thing I noticed was the collection of various antique fabric ( mostly cotton) that the 19 century people used! In the center of the hall was a beautiful piece of art namely" Sikander Nama Rumaal", which was the translation of embroidered inscription in person presented to Maharaja Gulaab Singh by Sayyad Joo, resident of J&k!!

It is a pictorial shawl filled all over with figures and animated scenes of battle of Alexander!! One striking highlight of the day was when I saw QURAAN E PAAK written in Bihari script!! Each page features thirteen lines, with sacred name ALLAH, written in gold This was" the moment" of the day!! I walked and came across a beautifully made collage showing various thinkers, scholars, saints and common people!

Suddenly a painting grabbed my attention, it was an oil painting of a woman, who was draped in something like newspapers from top to bottom! Now this is what we call" a picture speaks million things"!! On going upstairs, we saw various evidences of the" formation of Chandigarh city".: The chief architect of the city was Mr Mathew No wiki, whose details were mentioned there.

There was a section featuring significant personalities in making of Chandigarh!! on the whole it was a very beautiful and educative experience!!. If you are lucky enough to visit this city someday, do not miss this place!! P.S: have a safe visit. It is beautiful!!
By Azra Mufti
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