Farmers worried over poor maintenance of main canal

Farmers worried over poor maintenance of main canal

Allege that not even weed plants are being removed

Srikakulam: Farmers cultivating crops in different villages located under the ayacut of Narayanapuram irrigation project are worried over poor maintenance of the right main canal (RMC) of the pro-ject.

The RMC starts at Narayanapuram village in Burja mandal of Amadalavalasa and passes up to Bonthalakoduru village in Etcherla mandal. The RMC has ayacut in several villages in Burja, Santhakaviti, Ponduru and Etcherla mandals.

But due to lack of funds and poor planning of engineering officials, removal of weed plants, silt and maintenance of canals was neglected completely. As a result, water is not flowing proper-ly and not reaching to tail-end area fields in several villages.

Farmers of the ayacut are cultivating crops in current rabi season and water is required for the same but due to these reasons, farmers are losing their hopes on water reaching their fields. Farmers of several villages in the ayacut area of the RMC said that they were submitting rep-resentations to the officials concerned but they are saying that no funds for repairs and maintenance are allocated.

Two months ago, new bodies were elected for water users associations and farmers are hop-ing these elected bodies would take measures to improve and repair canals.

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