Let 'Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan' Be A Great Success

Let Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan Be A Great Success

In the Hindu epics, we find that the Rakshasas were annihilated by most powerful weapons such as the Pashupatha Astra, the Brahma Astra to name a few.

In the Hindu epics, we find that the Rakshasas were annihilated by most powerful weapons such as the Pashupatha Astra, the Brahma Astra to name a few. However, in the modern times where science and technology is advancing at a faster pace day by day, India has freed itself through peace, non-violence and abiding by Dharma vis-a-vis the might of the colonial British government. The independent India's Tricolor is the driving force for all our citizens for the last 75 years. The radiance of consciousness so to say.

At the AmritKaal, when 1.3 billion people of India are celebrating with gusto the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav by participating in the Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan, the Abhiyan symbolises the commemoration of all those valiant men and women who sacrificed their lives fighting for the freedom of Motherland. And this is the time to let the rest of the world know about our Nation's superiority and integrity as well. The Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan augurs well for the next 25 years to reach the milestone of independent India's 100 years.

The people of India endured under the British rule for 200 Years. They bore the brunt of the slavery. The fight for attaining freedom and self-rule is a very long chapter in the world history. There were many who did not want to bow their heads before the alien flag. They wished for a true, own flag for their land which might instil the inspiration amongst the common folk. Pingali Venkaiah was one such patriot.

Before the advent of the English, many kingdoms, empires and the Princely States like the Mouryas, Moghuls, the Cholas, the Pallavas, the Kakatiyas, the Sathavahanas , the Nizams had their own Dhwajas or the separate flags which denoted their identity. After the East India Company took the reins of the power, these flags were unmasted.

The British Flag unfurled.

There was the time when the hoisting of this flag was a condition that during the All India Congress conclave too, the flag should appear there and every one present must salute it! At one Congress plenary held at Culcutta (the present day Kolkata), there, the flag unfurled was of the English rulers. It anguished the Andhraite Pingali Venkaiah much more. He promptly expressed his fury then and there. A discussion followed. Sister Nivedita designed a flag between the years 1904 and1906. But it was not well received and ratified. The people of Bengal protested the division of Bengal in 1906. They took to the streets. The movement got special mention in the annals of freedom struggle. Then, Sachindra Prasad Bose, Hemachandra came up with another flag. It consisted of the colors Saffron, Yellow, Green with 8 dots and the slogan of Vande Maataram with the Sun and the Cresent beneath the slogan. The flag was hoisted by the protesters at Green Park, Culcutta. Madam Bhikaji Cama who played a crucial part in the free India struggle outside India took the initiative and unfurled the same flag with tiny changes on 21st August 1907 at Stuttgart, a city in Germany when an International Socialist Conference was being held at Stuttgart. An Indian flag was hoisted in a foreign country for the first time by her. A beginning was made.

At the time, when Lok Manya Balgangadhar Tilak and Annie Besant were spearheading the All India Home Rule League to campaign for democracy in India, and dominion status within the British Empire in the year 1917, another flag came to the fore. The same year National Canvassing Association was formed. It built a structure of local branches, enabling it to mobilise demonstrations, public meetings, and agitations. The necessity of flag was felt by Pingali Venkaiah. He discussed at length the matter with Rabindranath Tagore, Brajendranath Sen, J C Bose, Ashutosh Mukherji et al. Many flags from all around the world were reviewed and in the year 1916, a book was published. It's title was "Bharatadeshaaniki oka jaatiya patakam" (meaning a national flag for India). Pingali Venkaiah wrote this book during the times when he worked as lecturer in Nation College, Bandar (the now Machilipatnam in Andhra Pradesh). The book consists of illustrations of 30 model flags with minute details.

An Indian National Congress grand meeting was held on 31st March 1921 at Vijayawada. Bapuji attended it. He called Pingali Venkaiah and suggested to draw the map of a flag for the free country, that is, India. Pingali Venkaiah was working in the Munagala Samsthanam at that time. He prepared a draft flag with three colours Saffron, White and Green. The prototype got unanimous ratification. The first tri-coloured flag was introduced on the Telugu soil. Soon it attracted the public vision. Later the national leaders led the marches with the flag at different towns. An aura emerged.

The 'Jhanda Satyagraha' commenced in Nagpur and in Jabalpur in the year 1923 added honour to the national flag. Agitationists hoisted the Tricolors at both the government buildings and the private complexes as a warning to the rulers. The movement to uphold the respect of the national flag filled a new spirit among the citizens.

As the movement was gaining strength, the gGovernment announced restrictions on the national flag. Purn Swaraj (full independence) resolution was passed at Lahore Meet. On the 31st December, 1929, the Tricolor was kept aloft on the banks of river Ravi. 'Inquilab Zindabad' (Hail the Rebellion) slogans rented the air. The flag stood forth during the Civil Disobedience Movement that was launched in January, 1930. In the same year Gandhiji gave a clarion call for Dandi March. On 12th March several leaders holding the flags took part in this Satyagraha that was a peaceful protest against the tax announced on the making of salt by the Angrez rulers. The flag symbolised the sentiments of numerous protesters in unison.

Now the stage set for the Bharat Chchodo ('Quit India') agitation. It seemed as the ultimatum. Lakhs of people carried the flags in their hands and stood bravely before the troops, saying aloud "Quit India, Quit India!" Many were strangled, beaten badly on their backs but defended the flag holding it tight under their chests. Many others were shot at and they had breathed their last but before saw to it that the flag is aloft. The Whites were flabbergasted by the courageous and collective fight of Indians and the surrender time arrived.

India got freedom from the United Kingdom in 1947. The first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, raised the Indian national flag above the Lahori Gate of the Red Fort in Delhi on 15 August 1947. A woman from Hyderabad added Ashoka's Dharmachakra to the Tricolor designed by Pingali Venkaiah. It is a fact not known to many. Suraiya Tyabji, born in the Akbar Haidari clan of Hyderabad, was a renowned painter. On Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru's request, she contributed to the final shape of the flag. Her proposal of adding Ashoka's Dharmachakra to the flag was approved by all. Thus the twin Telugu states' representation in the making of our National Flag is a matter of pride to us Indians.

The Tricolour was and is a note of protest. It inspired both the intelligentsia and commoners. There were many poets who hailed the Flag in many poems. ShyamLal wrote "vijayi vishwa Tiranga pyara jhanda uncha rahe hamara" in Hindi language, which if transliterated in English is equivalent to saying "The Tricolor is the victorious flag, let it soar to the skies."

Gurajada Raghava Sharma penned in Telugu the patriotic song

"Jendaa ettaraa Jaatiki muktira; Nindugaa shaktira; Nilvara kirtira," which if transliterated in English is equivalent to "Fy the flag; it is the emancipation for the people, full of power and a stamp of pride."

The present-day fruits of freedom are the end result of so many heroes. In For the ensuing 25 years, we must take pledge of ensuring India First. India enriched on many a front. Let us all get ready to sing the song that evoked the spirit of freedom on the Telugu soil, which goes like this..

"Maa jendaa egure egure; endaavaana unnannallu; pagalu ratri unnannallu;

Maajendaa egure egure" ("Soar our flag until there is the sun and the rains, until there is the day and the nights fly our flag fly.."

The flag is the symbol of the soul of the India. By hoisting it in every home let us recall the free India's 75 years of independence. Let us build the New India once again with the same enthusiasm that brought us liberty from the colonial rule. Let us build it with the renewed passion.

(Writer works at Central Bureau (Communications), Hyderabad)

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