Development sector is a preferred career choice of professionals and young minds

Development sector is a preferred career choice of professionals and young minds

The development sector is huge, it is divided into various foreign and national funding NGO's, grassroots that usually run on a local level.

The development sector is huge, it is divided into various foreign and national funding NGO's, grassroots that usually run on a local level. As per reports India ranks 131 on the Human Development Index and takes the 101th position on the Global Hunger Index of 116 countries across the globe.

While researches state, India only meets 7 out of the 13 global nutrition targets, it becomes a necessity to meet the global nutrition targets as India places itself among the 88 countries that are likely to not fulfil them by 2025. There is seen to be no progress, rather there have been reports on the situations deteriorating. Out of 132 India still ranks 114th in the Global Nutrition Report since 2016.

As there are a large number of issues that affect the country as a whole, this creates a need for various divisions to handle multiple functions. Some of them include development support, resource generation, human resource development, information technology, strategic planning and a lot more. Now-a-days professionals and young minds wish to create sustainable changes, they see it as more of a personal thing and wish to reach out to individuals who are in much need of their help. The development sector is evolving as an exciting place of work.

Specialised organisational structure

The developmental sector though being a non-profit organisation earlier has managed to make a specialised change in its working structure by improving work, managerial roles. Now, the development sector is looking out for talents that are filled with programme leadership, strategy, fundraising and higher job opportunities for those having CEO responsibility skills, CSR partnerships and such.

Giving placements for such evolving and flourishing talents it gives a rise to the development sector. In the past, development sector also called as social sector was only about traditional roles like field or volunteering jobs. The jobs were looked down as basic sectors and had less people signing in. However, there has been an immense change due to the entry and willingness of new talents in this particular sector. The jobs roles from general management have turned into various other job opportunities.

Need to find a purpose

Social sector over the years have witnessed people joining the sector at the age ranging from middle adulthood to late adulthood, that is people in their late 40's to 60's. This was mainly observed because individuals at this age had left work or had lesser workload compared to others and wanted to attribute their time somewhere else for a minimal pay.

However, this too has changed and the development sector has seen an increase in people in their early adulthood to middle adulthood that is people in their early 20's to 40's. This change in involvement in the development sector is mainly due to individuals wanting to live a meaningful and purposeful life while giving something in return to their country in the form of social work.

Demand for new generations

Every sector in the world is increasing at a rapid pace and development sector is one of them. With increasing need of fitting in the technological world, need for new recruitments and increase in job roles is one of the reasons why young minds are drawn towards this sector. The demand for new generations and the urge of doing something purposeful and meaningful in life is what is driving the development sector to positive heights.

Increase in investors

Gaining CSR partnerships has helped the development sector to flourish and maintain its heights. Receiving funds from such partnerships creates demand at a greater level and captures attention of managers and leaders driven with enthusiasm to change and help the development sector to sustain social impact at a large scale.

The increase in investors in the development sector, provides opportunity for the organisation to open slots for new recruiters to improve the issues of the nation faced by the powerless people. Social sector has finally made its stance from being a charitable work to a rewarding and successful work career.

Now as the development sector has evolved from just grassroots to a large variety of categories ranging from social foundations, ecosystem organizations, international NGO's and much more providing interested individuals multiple flexible opportunities to build and make it a financially justifiable career.

(The author is an Executive Director, Sanskriti University)

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