Telangana State Formation date 2 June 2014 – time 8.31 AM, Secunderabad

Telangana State Formation date 2 June 2014 – time 8.31 AM, Secunderabad

Telangana State Formation date 2 June 2014 – time 8.31 AM, Secunderabad


Telangana state horoscope 2021: Birth Star-Pushyami 1st charan. Moon sign Cancer. Ascendant Gemini.

Telangana state horoscope 2021: Birth Star-Pushyami 1st charan. Moon sign Cancer. Ascendant Gemini.

The first and the 4th lord Mercury occupied in lagna along with 7th and 10th lord Jupiter. Hence, Bhadramaha Purusha Yoga has been formed. The party will continue to rule the State for a very long time. Here, 2nd lord Moon has occupied in 2nd house. A lot of unity will be there in the party. The fourth house occupied by sixth lord Mars. The party president will have lot of tensions and financial problems in the State. The 5th house occupied by Saturn and Rahu. Hence, the public will always extend their support to the party. The 11th house is occupied by Venus and Ketu. Without being noticed by the party president, lot of corruption will take place within the party till Dec 2022.

From 02.06.2014 to 15.10.2028, the party will run Saturn major period. For Gemini ascendant, Saturn is 8th and 8th Lord. He has been occupied in exalted position. Hence, during this particular period, the TRS formed the government for the second time in the State.

From 18.09.2020 to 18.04.2022, the party will run Saturn major period by moon sub period. During this period, the party will have so many developments. There may be re-shuffle in the Cabinet.

From 18.04.2022 to 27.05.2023, Saturn major period by Mars sub period. Here, Mars is bitter enemy for Gemini Ascendant and occupied 4th house and affecting the 10th house. The party president will have lot of tensions, many party members will quit the TRS and join other parties. Closely-knit people will backstab the party president.

From Moon sign, 17th January 2023 to 30th August 2025, Saturn will occupy 8th house. During this period Ashtama Shani will occur. The party will split into two. Some important members will exit from the TRS and will form a new party.

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