Protest abusive behaviour against healthcare professionals: IMA

Protest abusive behaviour against healthcare professionals: IMA
Protest abusive behaviour against healthcare professionals: IMA

Taking a dim view of abusive behaviour towards healthcare professionals amid the nationwide lockdown, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has called for observance of a 'White Day' on Wednesday and a nationwide 'Black Day' protest on Thursday

New Delhi: Taking a dim view of abusive behaviour towards healthcare professionals amid the nationwide lockdown, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has called for observance of a 'White Day' on Wednesday and a nationwide 'Black Day' protest on Thursday.

The IMA wrote a letter on Monday to all its current and past office-bearers to issue directions to different hospitals and health workers to light candles on hospital premises as a symbol of protest and vigil on Wednesday.

"Let not our white become red," the IMA warned, and demanded enactment of a central law through an ordinance for the protection of healthcare professionals and guarantee for a safe workplace.

"If the government fails to enact a central law on violence against doctors and hospitals even after a white alert, the IMA will observe a 'Black Day' on Thursday," it said.

The association said that all doctors in the country will sport black badges on Thursday as a mark of protest.

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