Man With The World's Longest Beard Set New Guinness World Record For Growing Facial Hair Even Longer

For the third time, Sarwan Singh holds the record for the longest beard on a live person, measuring 2.54 m.

For the third time, Sarwan Singh holds the record for the longest beard on a live person, measuring 2.54 m.


  • For the third time, Sarwan Singh holds the record for the longest beard on a live person, measuring 2.54 m.
  • For the record, it is important to note that the hair must be natural and wet before being measured in order to account for the effect of curls on measuring accuracy.

For the third time, Sarwan Singh holds the record for the longest beard on a live person, measuring 2.54 m. The Canadian citizen first had his beard measured in 2008, when it was 2.33 m long, shattering Birger Pellas' previous record of 1.77 m.

On the set of Lo Show dei Record in Rome, Italy in 2010, Sarwan had his beard measured once more, extending his record to 2.495 metres. Yet when it was tested again on October 15, 2022, it had expanded even farther. These days, it's a little greyer, but it's also more magnificent than ever.
For the record, it is important to note that the hair must be natural and wet before being measured in order to account for the effect of curls on measuring accuracy. Sarwan has a time-consuming procedure for maintaining his beard each day. He gives each and every hair great attention.
He begins the morning by untying his beard and stepping into the tub with his facial hair spread out. The beard is then thoroughly drenched by Sarwan. The following step entails gradually shampooing the beard from top to bottom, making sure to get every last strand clean.
Sarwan typically uses a rag and a knot to keep his beard in place during the day. He will untie it, nevertheless, when he attends important events or religious services.
Although maintaining a beard this length may seem like a lot of work, Sarwan claims he likes his beard and has never experienced any problems. He claims that he has always conquered the difficulties that come with having a long beard and that he frequently wishes it were much longer. Sarwan believes that God gave him his beard as a gift.
When Sarwan was asked to perform sacred songs in the golden temple, he initially emigrated to Canada. The local Sikh community asked him to stay and instruct them in the guru's teachings when he first arrived.
The rapidly expanding Sikh community sought a role model to impart Sikh principles to their children and families. In Surrey, British Columbia, Sarwan established himself and is now known not only for his beard but also for his contributions to the Sikh faith.

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