Tiny motors can tackle rising carbon dioxide levels

Tiny motors can tackle rising carbon dioxide levels

Nanoengineers, including one of Indian-origin, have designed tiny machines - smaller than the width of a human hair - that rapidly zoom around in water, remove carbon dioxide and convert it into a usable solid form.

New York: Nanoengineers, including one of Indian-origin, have designed tiny machines - smaller than the width of a human hair - that rapidly zoom around in water, remove carbon dioxide and convert it into a usable solid form.

“We are excited about the possibility of using these tiny enzyme-functionalised micromotors to combat ocean acidification and global warming,” said study co-author Virendra V Singh, postdoctoral scientist from the University of California-San Diego.

The micromotors are essentially six-micrometer-long tubes that help rapidly convert carbon dioxide into calcium carbonate - a solid mineral found in egg shells, the shells of various marine organisms, calcium supplements and cement.

According to lead researcher and professor Joseph Wang, the proof of concept study represents a promising route to mitigate the buildup of carbon dioxide - a major greenhouse gas in the environment.

In their experiments, nanoengineers demonstrated that the micromotors rapidly decarbonated water solutions that were saturated with carbon dioxide.

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