Celestial events mark 2014

Celestial events mark 2014

Celestial Events Mark 2014. People interested in watching the skies have a lot to look forward to in 2014. The year begins with a series of celestial events starting with the annual Quadrantid Meteor Shower that is presently underway.

People interested in watching the skies have a lot to look forward to in 2014. The year begins with a series of celestial events starting with the annual Quadrantid Meteor Shower that is presently underway. It is visible from December 28 to January 12 and is expected to peak on January 4 at 1am. According to the International Meteor Organisation (IMO), at least 120 meteors per hour are estimated to be seen and the number of meteors visible may vary between 60-120. N Sri Raghunandan Kumar, director, Planetary Society, says, “If one looks at the area between East and North East direction, away from the city in clear skies, one can see bright streaks of light zipping across the sky. Telescopes/binoculars are not required to witness the event.

Jupiter opposition on January 6, 2014

Planet Jupiter will be seen closest to Earth which is resultant of celestial phenomena called “Jupiter Opposition” occurring on Jan 6. Jupiter would be at opposition to sun and hence, closest to earth. On Jan 6, the earth passes between the sun and Jupiter, placing Jupiter opposite the sun in our sky.
Because of this, an observer would note as the sun sets in the west, Jupiter will rise from the east in the evening. When the sun would rise in the morning, Jupiter would set in the west. Morning walkers can view the spectacle an hour before sunrise towards the west direction.
Morning/Evening star Planet Venus, after being hidden in the sun’s glare for many days, will start becoming visible in early morning skies in this year. They will return to evening sky, few days before end of year 2014. Venus, since time immemorial, was thought to be two different objects. It appeared both in the morning and evening. It was known as the morning/evening star. However venus revolution around the Sun determines its position in our sky. So in a year, Venus is either visible mostly in the morning or evening sky.
Asteroid to zip past Earth on January 3
A newly discovered asteroid called “2013 YL” will fly by earth safely at three times Distance to earth and moon, i.e at 13,77,138 km (0.0092 AU) from Earth on 3rd Jan, 2014. This asteroid was discovered on Dec 23, 2013. The estimated size of this object is 109 meters. This object is travelling at speed of 21 km/sec. This space rock orbits Sun once in every 470 days.
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