Kejriwal eyes 10 mln Aam Aadmi for party

Kejriwal eyes 10 mln Aam Aadmi for party

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal Eyes 10 mln Aam Aadmi For Party, Main bhi Aam Aadmi. The AAP Friday launched a free national membership drive called "Main bhi Aam Aadmi", with Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal saying the party wanted to enrol 10 million people by Jan 26.

New Delhi: The AAP Friday launched a free national membership drive called "Main bhi Aam Aadmi", with Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal saying the party wanted to enrol 10 million people by Jan 26.
"We have a target of (achieving) one crore membership by Jan 26," Kejriwal told the media, adding 300,000 membership applications had been received online.
This special membership drive would end Jan 26, the Republic Day.
From now on, he said the membership would be free. Earlier, people had to pay Rs.10 to become a member.
Kejriwal eyes 10 mln Aam Aadmi for party
"From now on, no one will have to pay a single penny to become a member of AAP," said Kejriwal, who led the Aam Aadmi Party to a spectacular showing in the Delhi election and became the chief minister Dec 28.
The AAP, founded just over a year ago, has seen a dramatic surge in membership since it took power in Delhi. The party says some 15,000 people are joining it across the country daily.
Kejriwal said one could join the AAP in five ways.
An SMS can be sent or a missed call can be given on 077982 20033, one can register on the AAP web site, go to a membership camp or fill up a form attaching a copy of the voter ID.
"If anyone wants to become an AAP member through SMS, the individual will have to send his name, STD code and name of his constituency," the chief minister said.
He said AAP volunteers would hold camps in various parts of the country so that the people do not have to struggle to become AAP's member.
"Once individuals send a message to 077982 20033, they will receive a confirmation message giving details of the registration."
Gopal Rai, a senior AAP member looking after the membership drive, said one mobile number can be used only once for membership registration.
The AAP has also so far collected Rs.53.6 million in donation, according to its web site. Friday's collection, until 5.15 p.m., stood at Rs.1 million.
Most donations have come from India, the US, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Britain and Canada.
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