Oh My Word: Hearsay, Heresy

Oh My Word: Hearsay, Heresy

One can dismiss heresy as hearsay. Hearsay is a secondary information which one comes to know from someone who in turn would have heard it from somebody but which is usually unsubstantiated; rumour; information that is from the indirect source (not from the source, not from the horse’s mouth).

One can dismiss heresy as hearsay. Hearsay is a secondary information which one comes to know from someone who in turn would have heard it from somebody but which is usually unsubstantiated; rumour; information that is from the indirect source (not from the source, not from the horse’s mouth).

It’s the information that is not reliable or trustworthy. It’s gossip which is not a reliable piece of information. Hearsay is a noun, and pronounced as ‘HIR say’.

It originated from the words ‘to hear say’ but gained recognition as a word in the 16 century substituting the phrase. Journalists do not believe in hearsays while reporting news unless they get the facts from the horse’s mouth. One can hear a lot of political hearsay at tea-stalls across towns in our country.
“Classics are books which, the more we think we know them through hearsay, the more original, unexpected, and innovative we find them when we actually read them.” – Italo Calvino.
Heresy is contradicting a dogma of religion; maintaining opposition to theological or religious doctrines such as to Catholicism, Orthodox Church, Hindu beliefs on Ramayana and Mahabharata; contradicting any creed or belief of a religion that is equal to blasphemy – questioning the popular religious beliefs; dissent; a belief or school of thought that contradicts orthodox religious beliefs.
Heresy is also a noun, and pronounced as ‘HER-I-See’. Heresy is a provocative belief because it challenges what is there in a religion or creed. It comes from the Greek word but made its way to English like many other words from other languages. Heretic is a person who believes in heresy, and also practises heresy – questions the established beliefs of a religion, or the dogmas of beliefs.
“If we have no heretics we must invent them, for heresy is essential to health and growth.” – Yevgeny Zamyatin. During the Medieval Age many people were burned alive for indulging in heresies. The clergy always tries to protect their beliefs from heresy though it is a daunting task in the digital world where a heresy can travel as quickly as it can to more than a million people on social media.
Hermits may not give space to hearsays but he or she may hear heresy because there could be some truth in heresies unl i k e h e a r s a y s . However, h e r e t i c s thrive on heresies.
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