Stream live video with BitTorrent mobile app

Stream live video with BitTorrent mobile app

Stream Live Video With BitTorrent Mobile App

Washington: BitTorrent is reportedly working on a smartphone app that would allow users to steam live videos right from their mobile devices.
Till last year the BitTorrent Live app was for the desktop and launched as a way to broadcast and steam live video for free.
According to Cnet, the BitTorrent Live doesn't rely on a single company's servers for recording a video and sending it out to viewers and instead has a broadcaster to send the video to viewers, who watch and send it to other viewers.
However, the mobile app is in the works for later this year and would be released in alpha.
Although, the BitTorrent Live itself remains in beta, BitTorrent said that the lack of polish to themobile app would be in the developing protocol and not the app itself.
For individual, small-scale broadcasters, there may be no immediate benefit to using BitTorrent over one of the many companies that offer live broadcasting for free.
BitTorrent Live is expected to be a compelling option for broadcasters that want an inexpensive way to stream a lot of content and make money.

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