IIT Delhi Supercomputer Powered By NVIDIA Features In World’s Top 500

IIT Delhi Supercomputer Powered By NVIDIA Features In World’s Top 500

NVIDIA today announced that Indian Institute of Technology (IITD) Delhi’s supercomputer, which is powered by its GPU Tesla platform, has been featured as the 166th fastest world’s supercomputer in the list of TOP500*.

New Delhi, India: NVIDIA today announced that Indian Institute of Technology (IITD) Delhi’s supercomputer, which is powered by its GPU Tesla platform, has been featured as the 166th fastest world’s supercomputer in the list of TOP500*. The newest entry in the global list from India is also the 4th fastest supercomputer in India. NVIDIA Tesla-based systems comprise of 70 systems in the TOP500 list, which demonstrates the significance of accelerated systems in shaping the future of high performance computing.

This 860 teraflops centralized compute system is the largest High Performance Computing (HPC) system across all IITs and is available to developers, end-users and researchers.

Ease of programming using CUDA and OpenACC coupled with great performance and lesser infrastructure costs made NVIDIA Tesla computing platform a preferred choice. NVIDIA experts worked closely for about two years with the IIT Delhi team to ensure the success of this strategic initiative.

Dr. Subodh Kumar, Associate head computer services center, IIT Delhi said, “We are happy to have commissioned the largest GPU-centric HPC cluster in the nation and among the top few in the world. The system is under active use by a variety of researchers. We are sure the capability multiplication that the system provides will enable them to reach the next level in their research and help solve challenging problems in Atmospheric Science, Molecular Systems, Biology, Nano-systems, and many other areas.”

“This is another milestone in our growth journey and validates the capabilities of our Tesla platform which is accelerating numerous supercomputing sites worldwide”, said Vishal Dhupar, Managing Director, South Asia, NVIDIA. “Ready availability of 370+ certified HPC applications in different domains will help in teaching and research work in the areas of Data Analytics , Deep Learning Computational Physics, Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Computation Fluid Dynamics and Material Science immensely.”

* This list captures the 500 most powerful commercially available computer systems known globally was unveiled at SC15, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, held recently at Austin, TX.
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