Vishweshwar asks well-wishers to plant trees on his b-day

Vishweshwar asks well-wishers to plant trees on his b-day

On the eve of his birthday on Tuesday, Chevella MP Konda Vishweshwar Reddy has requested his well wishers and friends to plant a tree in his name to protect and preserve the environment, instead of presenting flower bouquets Also he requested those who wish to donate blood on the occasion to call 8179634893 and register their names

Hyderabad: On the eve of his birthday on Tuesday, Chevella MP Konda Vishweshwar Reddy has requested his well wishers and friends to plant a tree in his name to protect and preserve the environment, instead of presenting flower bouquets. Also he requested those who wish to donate blood on the occasion to call 8179634893 and register their names.

He said, like in the last 4 years, this year too scholarships would be presented to deserving students in each village from economically poorer sections of the society, through JKMR Foundation.

He wanted public to come forward and share their ideas and suggestions, for the development of Chevella Constituency on Phone Number 8179634893.

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