Awakening women, awakening the world

Awakening women, awakening the world

Today everywhere there is a talk about Women Safety & Women Rights

Today everywhere there is a talk about Women Safety & Women Rights. Our patriarchal society has suddenly woken up to this important issue which was totally ignored since time immemorial. In spite of the fact that women and children represent almost 70% of the world's population, it is still women only who are primarily responsible for bringing up their children because women have the necessary values that are the essential building blocks of a harmonious family. They are filled with love, affection and goodwill as natural instinct. From the moment a child takes its first breath, women, usually mothers, embark on a journey that extends far beyond diaper changes and sleepless nights.

They become the stewards of ethical development, the custodians of empathy, and the weavers of the moral code that will guide their children through the maze of life. One of the inherent qualities that position women as primary nurturers of values is their innate capacity for empathy. A mother's ability to understand the emotional needs of her child and respond with compassion lays the foundation for the child's understanding of empathy and kindness. These early interactions form the bedrock upon which a child builds their moral consciousness, paving the way for a compassionate and considerate adult. Hence if children learn at an early age how to lead a life of love and affection, they will develop a positive attitude within themselves.

However, if they live in an atmosphere of fear, hatred and anger, then they may develop unsociable tendencies and also become a problem for the society as well as for themselves. They also need to be trained to be sensitive towards others, with transparent sincerity and honesty and if the atmosphere at home is of justice and impartiality towards all, without any bias towards one and favour towards another, then that person will be fair & sensitive to all and will honour the rights of others later also in life. It is also in the family that one learns the virtues of tolerance, adjustment and goodwill. Just as in a family there is mutual trust and understanding and a person is forgiven because he belongs to the family, such goodwill and spirit of tolerance helps one to live harmoniously with all members of a society.

A family is like a preparatory school for the future citizens of a nation. An individual's personality depends a lot on his upbringing. A mother is the first teacher or preceptor of a child; however, it is found that many women have not yet awakened to that kind of responsibility.

It has been observed that most of the people who turn out as criminals have a childhood filled with abuse, exploitation, violence and deprivation. Hence, women being the conscience keepers or primary nurturers of values in children must play well their important role in the sphere of the family. Then many of the problems, which our society faces today and much of the struggle we see around us would not arise at all.

Women have an innate ability to make sacrifices for the sake of their children. They cannot see their children in pain; hence they would stretch to any length or undergo pain to make them happy. They are generally kind-hearted and full of tenderness and love. They can be very successful ambassadors of peace & nonviolence. However, women will be able to do all these only when they have the awareness that they are responsible as world mothers and they have to sustain the world with their love and kindness. For this, they have to step out from the narrow confines of the male-dominated world and stop playing as puppets in their hands. Hence, when the women of the world would unite for this great cause, they can easily wipe out hatred and disharmony from the face of earth & create an all-new world for the future generation. So, let us all empower women to empower world for the sake of future generation to make the World worthy of living.

(Writer is a spiritual educator&popular columnist for publications across India,Nepal & UK. Till Date 8500+ Published Columns have been written by Him)

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