Artificial Intelligence transforms the educational landscape at rocket speed

Artificial Intelligence transforms the educational landscape at rocket speed

AIntelligence (AI) is all around us. From SIRI to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence is progressing rapidly. Today, there is no industry untouched by the ripples caused by artificial intelligence, be it medical, HR, media or education.

AIntelligence (AI) is all around us. From SIRI to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence is progressing rapidly. Today, there is no industry untouched by the ripples caused by artificial intelligence, be it medical, HR, media or education.

Education sets the foundation of human behavior. Educational ecosystem is formed by knowledge base, teaching skills and experience, learning capability, and evolving teaching methods. The rapid advances in technology in recent decades have already brought about substantial changes in education. Within today's classroom, for example, we find ourselves surrounded by devices such as smart boards, AV, computers, laptops, tablets and phones, to name but a few technologies which are now being integrated into teaching. And now the emergence of Artificial Intelligence in this arena has changed the game to the next level.

These are few of the ways through which the academic world is becoming more convenient and personalised through the applications of AI in the world of education:

Simplifying administrative tasks

AI has automated drab administrative tasks and cut down on the time and effort teachers used to put in things like assessing students' work and grading exams. Educators spend a lot of time on grading exams, assessing homework, and providing valuable responses to their students. But AI technology can be used to automate the grading tasks where multiple tests are involved. This means that professors would have more time with their students rather than spending long hours grading them. AI is also helping school admission boards by automating classification and processing of paperwork.

Smart content

AI and education go hand in hand and the new techniques could be all that is required to ensure that all students attain their ultimate academic success. "Smart content" creation, from digitized guides of textbooks to customizable learning digital interfaces, are being introduced at all levels, from elementary to post-secondary to corporate environments.

Robots can produce digital content of similar quality as what different AU essay writing services can create. This technology has already reached a classroom setting. Smart content also includes virtual content like video conferencing, video lectures. As you can imagine, textbooks are taking a new turn. AI systems are using traditional syllabuses to create customized textbooks for certain subjects. As a result, textbooks are being digitized, and new learning interfaces are being created to help students of all academic grades and ages.

Intelligent tutoring systems

AI can do more than condense a lecture into flashcards and smart study guides as it can also tutor a student based on the difficulties, they're having with class material.Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) seem to have made the most progress over the last few years, as one of the original concepts for applications of AI in education. All have the potential to help shape the next generation of more personalized learning and responsive teaching. The use of AI-based tutors helps students adopt productive learning behaviors, such as self-regulation and self-explanation.

Identify weaknesses in the classroom

AI will also work in identifying classroom weaknesses. For instance, AI will identify when groups of students miss certain questions letting the teacher know when material needs to be retaught. In this way, AI will also hold teachers accountable and strengthen best teaching practices.

AI Chatbots

AI chatbots are not only useful in answering student queries, but they can also potentially help with their well-being. For example, Staffordshire University in the UK is using Beacon, an AI education tool, to assist students and answer their questions, in addition to handling general queries.Beacon is said to enhance the student experience by answering timetable questions and suggesting societies to join. It can also apply for an exemption from council tax, order new student cards and connect users to lecturers. The report notes that eventually, the chatbot will be able to remind students about classes and deadlines.

Impact of block-chain technology

Another upcoming innovation is the use of Block-chain technology. Use of this in universities could remarkably alter how evaluations and credits are maintained and transferred - both within and across institutions. Academic research within universities would also see increased protection and their due share of recognition. This would incentivise academicians to pursue research work without worrying about the administrative hassles. We can expect a true revolution in academic research.

While artificial intelligence and education may seem like a futuristic invention, it's present in our lives and education systems today. With the assistance of artificial education, we can make both students' and teachers' lives easier and also it will help students and parents alike to become better!

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