Caution! All new way of life awaits world

Caution! All new way of life awaits world
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The world will not be the same again post lockdown

The world will not be the same again post lockdown. Gone are the days when people visit exhibitions walking shoulder to shoulder, also foot boarding on RTC buses, forget rush at chat bhandar, complete no to well wishers at airports, new words will be added to the dictionary.

The future generations will listen with curiosity stories of pre lockdown era head scratching.The positive aspects of lockdown are much more, respect for elders, discipline, saving, no leftovers food, listening stories from grandparents, stories behind old photos, division of labour at home, sharing habits, hygiene, no extravagant at marriages, social services for poor and needy, love for animals, knowing your neighbour, remembering bygone 'ache din' and above all respect for angels profession of doctors, nurses, paramedics, sanitary staff and law and order personnel which was past due. Post lockdown an all new way of life is waiting for us where mask will be our dress code, thermal screening, sanitiser, digital class room, online medical consultation, shaking hands will strictly avoided, cashless transaction, office buildings corner will be free of spitting, circle and square boxes on roads will be a common site, political parties will include free mask in their manifesto. With mask on understanding the conversation over phone will be difficult.

From business point of view, sales of cosmetics products and beauty parlors will slump as everybody wearing masks warrents no reason to show and creativity will be the hallmark on mask designs.

In the beginning identifying your friends and colleagues from a distance will be a little bit difficult because of mask but slowly mask designs and colours will become their identity. Many new jokes will appear on mixed identity as it happens when helmets become compulsory when one rides on wrong pillion after filling at petrol stations.

Who knows some of the future films titles will be "mask ke peechay" "mask ka raaz" "mask ki talaash" "Life with Carona" "Lockdown" and for rappers and lyricist making songs with these words will be easier.

Mohammad Abdul Waheed

Senior Accountant

Moghalpura, Hyderabad

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