MyVoice: Views of our readers 25th Jan 2025

MyVoice: Views of our readers 25th Jan 2025

Views of our readers

Iron Age: older than thought

It is a significant new finding that iron usage was in existence In Tamil Nadu over 5300 years ago. The finding of the ‘antiquity of iron’ was reached based on the study of samples of iron objects excavated from Sivagalai in Thoothukudi district and a few other archeological sites in the state. The Oxford Advanced Dictionary defines the Iron Age as “the historical period about 3000 years ago when people first used iron tools”. This meant pushing back the dawn of the Iron Age by over two millennia. The discovery of iron smelting technology dating back to the first quarter of the 4th millennium BCE goes to buttress the claim that Tamil Nadu was home to an advanced civilization.

The “revised Iron Age” predated the migration from the Central Asian Steppe between 2000 BCE and 1000 BCE. It adds to the mountain of evidence that we are a composite civilization. Findings like this will contribute to more rigorous debate on the multiple civilizations that flourished in different parts of the Indian sub-continent since the arrival of Out of Africa migrants in India 65,000 years ago. Archeology, linguistics, epigraphy and “population genetics” make anthropology a fascinating subject to study, gain a better understanding of our ‘descent’, our ancestors and how they lived, penetrating through the mists of time, and ourselves too and broaden the mind. If you find something to be proud of, it is an added bonus.

G. David Milton, Maruthancode, Tamil Nadu

Manipur Mayhem

Over 873 Myanmar migrant Kuki-Chin persons were arrested by Manipur police for illegal poppy cultivation and drug trade in the last seven years. Similarly, a release by the Manipur home department stated that at least 1083 workers were arrested during the same period for illegal poppy cultivation and drug trade. Manipur is feeling the heat of Myanmar migrant and it is a perpetual problem. Migrants is the main problem in Manipur

M R Jayanthy, Sion East Mumbai

Garnering the truth in Saif’s case

The various reports describing Saif’s case all appear to be far from the truth, as the CCTV photo captured of the attacker shows a young person with a thin, v-shaped face, while the arrested person has a comparatively mature face with a U-shaped cut. This has also been confirmed by the Bangladeshi father of the arrested individual regarding the haircut.

If the tests, based on scientific evidence, prove both to be the same individuals it may undermine the credibility of all those involved in the investigation, including those conducting the necessary tests, which would require a higher-level investigation by a more prestigious agency to resolve the matter.

Col RS Narula Retd, Patiala

Set policy for turning trash into clean energy

This is with reference to the article on ‘Should we care about turning trash into gold’. It is true that all will pay attention for in house sanity and cleanliness. But, our country produces more than 62 million tons of waste every year including plastic waste. Technology has been developed and made available globally .There are several professionals in the Ministry of environment, Forest and Climate Change across our country .All of them together can create a policy of converting all the wastage into electricity and other forms of energy .Thus we can create clean and green environment and infection less India.

G Murali Mohan Rao, Secunderabad

Cynicism undermining democracy

Not just Delhites but the general public is growing cynical about elections. Except for the committed members of the parties and their die hard support bases, nobody believes that it would make any difference to their lives, whichever party comes to power. This is a dangerous growing trend in large pockets of urban India.

It begs the question whether democracy has failed India or India has failed democracy. This is true not just of India but the entire India sub continent. Perhaps the western concept of democracy is not compatible with Indian ethos and sensibilities which tend more to mai baap concept where the citizens have no major role to play in the affairs of the nation and those in power have a free hand until the next elections!

Anthony Henriques, Mumbai

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