Historic Significance: Why are PM Modi and Xi Jinping meeting at Mamallapuram?

Historic Significance: Why are PM Modi and Xi Jinping meeting at Mamallapuram?

The second informal meeting between Indian and Chinese leaders Modi and Jinping is set to happen in Mamallapuram, Chennai. Here's why the location was chosen instead of the capital of the country.

The second informal meeting between Indian and Chinese leaders Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping is set to happen in Mamallapuram, Chennai on the 11th of October. While the capital of the country would have been an obvious choice for the visit, considering all the official matters of the country are handled there, this meeting between the dignitaries is being held in Mamallapuram down south. There is enough historic significance to the chosen location. Here's why Mamallapuram was chosen as the meeting location instead of Delhi, the capital of the country.

1. Mamallapuram was the flourishing sea port of erstwhile rulers of Tamil Nadu - the Pallavas. They had a relationship with China and had sent envoys there during their rule.

2. Archaeological evidence shows the link between China and Mamallapuram is 2000 years old.

3. Celadon ware or pottery of the first and second Century was recovered on the eastern coast of Tamil Nadu. This gives us a clue to Chinese maritime activities according to noted archaeologist S Rajavelu.

4. The Chinese text the "Han annals" has a reference to contacts with the Tamil country.

5. Emperor Wei (circa 185-149 BCE) encouraged traders from Tamil Nadu.

6. The Chinese text Ch'ien Han Shu of the first century refers to Kancheepuram as "Huang-Che". Chinese kings had sent presents to the then ruler of Kancheepuram.

"If you look at the Vayalur inscriptions (near Mamallapuram), they say that Pallavas had sent envoys (6-7th Century AD) to China. Similarly, Tamil inscriptions have been found in the dragon country as well," said Rajavelu, a former Professor of Archaeology with the Tamil University at Thanjavur.

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