SOA Founder President releases book on farm waste management

SOA Founder President releases book on farm waste management

Bhubaneswar: A book exploring the state-of-the-artinnovation in agricultural waste management strategies and edited by Prof Ramesh CRay, an Adjunct...

Bhubaneswar: A book exploring the state-of-the-artinnovation in agricultural waste management strategies and edited by Prof Ramesh CRay, an Adjunct Professor of Centre for Industrial Biotechnology Research (CIBR)run by Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (SOA), was released by SOA’s Founder President Manojranjan Nayak here on Saturday.

Ray is one of the three co-editors of the book titled ‘TransformingAgriculture Residues for Sustainable Development: From Waste to Wealth.’ The othertwo being Jaya Arora and Abhishek Joshi of Botany Department of Mohanlal Sukhadia University at Udaipur in Rajasthan.The book has been published by Springer, Switzerland.

Ray is a former Principal Scientist (Microbiology) and Head of RegionalCentre of ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute in Bhubaneswar.The book focuses on approaches and technologies which ensure maximumvalue recovery from waste through materials recycling and energy generation. It aimsto navigate the transition toward a circular economy by presenting strategies for waste minimisation, effective waste diversion from landfills and, mostimportantly, exploring the possible pathways for treating waste as a resource.

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