Man Caught Hiding Lizards And Snakes In His Clothes

Man Caught Hiding Lizards And Snakes In His Clothes

US border authorities find 52 lizards and snakes hidden in man’s clothing. (Image courtesy: Associated Press)


  • The individual, a 30-year-old American citizen, was taken into custody.
  • Authorities discovered 52 live reptiles tied up in little sacks hidden in the man's jacket, pants pockets, and crotch area.

Authorities claimed on Tuesday that lizards and snakes were concealed in a man's clothing. The individual, a 30-year-old American citizen, was taken into custody.

According to a statement from US Customs and Border Protection, the man was driving a truck when he reached at the San Ysidro border crossing with Mexico on Feb. 25 and was taken out for further inspection.

The statement added that authorities discovered 52 live reptiles tied up in little sacks hidden in the man's jacket, pants pockets, and crotch area.The police seized nine snakes and 43 horned lizards. According to officials, some of the species fall under the endangered category.
Sidney Aki, director of field operations for Customs and Border Protection in San Diego said that the smugglers will try any and all methods to smuggle their merchandise, in this case live reptiles, across the border. He added that on this occasion, the smuggler attempted to deceive CBP agents in order to transport these animals into the United States without regard for the animals' health and safety.
This is not the single incident recorded, another incident witnessing the similar kind of smuggling was recorded when Phil Tewkesly, the owner of the land, discovered four snakes in total, two of which were dead. In addition to dead fish, bugs, scorpions, and a tarantula, Phil discovered dead fish, bugs, scorpions, and a tarantula. According to the complaint, the renters, a couple and their teenage daughter, have used the coronavirus pandemic as a "excuse" to refuse Phil access to inspect his own property for the previous two years.
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