Hell or high water, eccentric man finds bliss in garbage

Hell or high water, eccentric man finds bliss in garbage

 In the hectic city’s tension-filled life, people apparently have become mechanical and have forgotten that they are human beings too. They have goals and many miles to go before they reach their targets.

Secunderabad: In the hectic city’s tension-filled life, people apparently have become mechanical and have forgotten that they are human beings too. They have goals and many miles to go before they reach their targets.

Here is a person on the ever busy Medchal road unmindful of what is happening all around him. He is always spotted there sporting old rags, a cap and long beard. He loves the company of garbage.

His origin is not known. He is always found in a pensive mood. He feels as though he is an alien in this materialistic world. He is spotted lying on the ground near a heap of garbage by the side of the busy Medchal road. Every five minutes, one bus is operated to Medchal from Secunderabad on the busy road.

The garbage dumping area, by the side of the Kompalli-Gundlapochampalli road, has become his home for the past four months.

Rain or shine he prefers not to take shelter anywhere, but stays there. He pays no attention to people whizzing past him on the road let alone rodents and dogs loitering here and there in the garbage.

He consumes stale food discarded by neighbouring hotels and dhabas on the garbage heap.
At least 10 engineering colleges’ students daily commute the area. They along with other people have seen the peculiar person, but never paid attention to find out who he is.
Nobody knows whether the person is mentally challenged or lethargic or why he is vexed with life.

In spite of education, it seems selfishness and career-mindedness and other priorities have shadowed humanism among the people. That is why they turned a blind eye to the eccentric person languishing on the roadside among the garbage.Who should take him under the wings in the context of the State Government working to make the city free from beggars.

What is required is change in people’s attitude. People should shed their selfishness show at least some humanity to eccentric people like this for their proper and safe rehabilitation and subsequently integration with society.

By KB Ramesh

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