
We live in the 21st century, which in a nutshell means that most of our lives, especially social lives are lived online. In the age of science, technology is at our fingertips, quite literally. We are just one click away from Twitter or Facebook, just one click away from global communication.

We live in the 21st century, which in a nutshell means that most of our lives, especially social lives are lived online. In the age of science, technology is at our fingertips, quite literally. We are just one click away from Twitter or Facebook, just one click away from global communication. This is the time when extremely crazy things went viral. Here’s a look at eight of the nuttiest things to have ever gone viral that’ll make you extremely worried about the future of mankind:

1. Kolaveri Di
Didn’t matter if we couldn’t translate a single word of the lyrics to at gunpoint save our lives. We all dutifully hummed this song for months on end, and then some more; the only Kolaveri Di present here being the one we had against rationality.
2. Gangnam Style
If ten years ago you’d have told us that some random popstar from Korea would have the entire world galloping like a horse to lyrics that could well have been gibberish for all the sense we could make of it, we’d have laughed in your face. But then 2012 happened, and we’ve been quiet ever since.
3. What does the fox say
This was a song video that went viral made by the Norwegian comedy duo Ylvis. A seemingly senseless song, it talks about the various sounds that animals make, and then puts forth the question what does the fox say? Giving a witty and catchy retort. This song was supposed to be sarcastic, and was created as a joke and a fail and wasn’t supposed to become popular. But accidently it became viral, making the duo insanely famous. Guess you just never know when and what might end up trending.
4. Selfie
The term or word that went viral the most in 2013 is probably selfie. Selfie is basically using your camera, be it a proper camera or your phone camera, and using it to take your own photo, or a self-capture. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all these social networking sites exploded with people uploading their own selfie’s. This word and the entire concept trended so much, that oxford dictionary included the word Selfie. 2013 was definitely a selfie year.
5. Harlem Shake
What began as a video of five jobless Australian teenagers finding some way to kill time in early 2013 became the latest rage over the Internet; right up until organizations took to firing, fining and suspending people for performing the Harlem Shake on their premises.
6. Confessions Page
Last year Facebook saw a sudden spurt of confession pages booming up. These pages allowed people to anonymously confess to anything and everything. It gave people a forum to talk freely and openly and allow them to speak their mind without inhibitions seeing as the posts were completely anonymous. Suddenly all campuses, schools, colleges saw their very own confession pages starting up. Though started with a good intent it also saw a lot of malicious and vicious posts. But thankfully this trend had a very short shell life, and died down just as mysteriously as it had started.
7. Hashtags
Hash tagging is a common phenomenon seen on Twitter and Instagram; and it’s been there on these sites for quite a long time. It took over their Facebook and Whatsapp statuses. And instead of proper sentences and words people started using hashtags. Though this trend is currently on a decline, it’s not at a fast enough pace and it’s going to be awhile before sentences sans hashtags walk back into our lives.
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