Banning A Thought

Banning A Thought

It was Voltaire who said, What is tolerance?It is the consequence of humanity.We are all formed of frailtyand error; let us pardon reciprocallyeach other\'s folly - that is the first lawof nature.

It was Voltaire who said, What is tolerance?It is the consequence of humanity.We are all formed of frailtyand error; let us pardon reciprocallyeach other's folly - that is the first lawof nature.

Probably the first disturbing signalscame as early as in 1959.
The filmNeel Akasher Neechey’ was bannedfor two months for overt political overtones;it showed the troubles faced byan immigrant Chinese wage labourer in1930s Calcutta. Well if you searchBritish India then banning a film (readthought, idea, expression) dates back to1921 ‘Bhakta Vidur’ which banned inKarachi and Madras for political reasonsthe film came right after JallianwalaBagh massacre and Rowlatt Act.
The character Vidura was mouldedupon personality of Mahatma Gandhi.One would havethought that a functionaland vibrant democracy wouldhave matured with time. It is hearteningto note that the official stance is nottaken as the gospel truth.
Thereforewhile protest in ademocratic societyis always a healthysign,it is dangerouswhen thosewho protest takelaw into their ownhands. To protestis democratic, toforcepeople toyour school ofthought and to silence
the alternativeis fascism. Tounderstand the differenceis the clear sign of maturity andto let it happen is a part of being a liberal.
Labels apart, as long as the Ruleof Law has a say in the polity any violentprotest is no longer a democraticlanguage. Free thought is suffocated inthe hands of pressure groups that flexmuscle and throw stones. Bricks of tolerance,
not way side stones tell thestrength of our democracy. Constitutionalismis at peril when a set of hyperlumpens take to the street with sticks,stones and slogans.
The protest against ‘PK’, it being thefirst film to cross Rs 300 crore notwithstanding,is a reminder of the times we
live in. However being fair to the saidgang of protestors who were there protectingGod, they are not the first crusaders.In recent times a liberal India issending global signs of increased intolerance.Take ‘Madras Café’ which
came under the scanner after Tamil activistsalleged that it depicts the LTTcadres in a negative manner. The film
was not released in Tamil Nadu due tosecurity concerns.
The rising intensityof these protests had forced major UKchains, including Cine World, to stopscreening the film. We then had peoplein Rajasthan up in arms against theaward winning Gowarikar film ‘JodhaAkbar’. While these dealt with themercury going high on social issues wehad ‘Phoolan Devi’ seeking a ban onyet another hard hitting master piecewhich was a biopic.
Groups revolted against the conceptof ‘Oh My God’ which according tothem was an attack on age old ritualsand beliefs. However, the movie receivedrave reviews and was screeneduncut throughout the nation, resulting
as one of the biggest hits of 2012. In1976, ‘Kissa Kursi Ka’, a politicalspoof, the film was banned by the Congress
government for lampooning theEmergency.
The master prints and allcopies was lifted from the CensorBoard office and burned by SanjayGandhi supporters. In 1996, when‘Fire’ came out, theatres were attackedby Hindu fundamentalists for depictinga lesbian relationship. The film waswithdrawn and sent to back to theCensorBoard only to later released uncut.Yet again the ‘Pink Mirror’ suffered thesame fate for its homosexual content.
‘Black Friday’ (2004 film) based on the1993 Bombay bombings was blockeduntil the verdict ofthe lawsuit by theBombay HighCourt on the petitionof the undertrialsThe film wasoriginally set to bereleased in India onJanuary 28, 2005,but was released onFebruary 9, 2007.
‘Black Friday’,‘Ammu’, ‘Bombay’,‘Water’,‘Fire’, ‘Vishwaroopam’,‘Fanaah’, ‘Parzania’, ‘Firaaq’…….the list is endless.In our State (erstwhile AP) two filmsThat got the stick were ‘The Da VinceCode’ and ‘Bombay’. Strangely thetwo political parties of the State, TDPand Congress, seemed to have the samedefence – law and order. It is strangethat governments that are generallykeen to keep up a strong image succumbto the demand to ban a book orfilm.
This invariably is to be seen onthe right side of the communal divide.Appeasement is a poor substitute togenuine equality. Politics dictates thepolitical document which is also asocio economic document - the constitution.We fail its other ingredients bythe created imbalance.
It is not just thefreedom of speech that is at stake. Therepute of a genuine democracy and thewillingness to take on anarchy with astern hand are also at stake. ‘PK’ hasrun its course, though the messageagainst anarchy is yet to get to the 300crore club.
The first crack in a democracy iswhen you ban a thought. Let’s protestagainst any ban on ideas and expressions,even wrong thoughts and expression.To return to the philosopher, hesaid, “I do not agree with what youhave to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it".
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