Abortions turn deadly with unqualified RMPs at the helm

Abortions turn deadly with unqualified RMPs at the helm

Telangana Medical Council intensifies checks, registers 350 FIRs against quacks

In discriminate abortions are being carried out in districts by unqualified RMPs, leading to fatal consequences in some cases, as women have died due to the inexperience of those handling the procedures.

There have been a number of cases wherein abortions have led to deaths in the districts. Lack of vigil by the authorities and unqualified doctors like the RMPs providing treatment are said to be the reasons for the deaths. While there are experienced doctors in the city and also in the health centres in the districts, the situation in the remote areas is vulnerable.

According to the Telangana Medical Council representatives, the women in the villages often visit RMPs for treatment, who lack the necessary qualifications. Women turn to RMPs and quacks due to the strict conditions required for obtaining abortion. According to gynaecologist Dr Ranjitha, women typically seek abortions due to unwanted pregnancies, health complications, or genetic issues. Some of them go for abortion when they find out the sex of the child through the sex determination tests. Termination is allowed only before six to eight weeks, but with all safety mechanisms.

The laws are strict in the cases of abortions in the country. As per the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act 1971, the nursing homes conducting the pregnancy termination should have records of the patient. The couple should be a signatory in the form, and there should be modern machines in the hospital with ICU facilities. However, there are no such protocols that are followed by the RMPs and quacks. The pregnancy pills fall under the category of Schedule H drugs, which cannot be given without a prescription.

The Telangana Medical Council Vice Chairman, Dr G Srinivas, said that in the recent case in Warangal, the RMP gave pills to the pregnant woman, which resulted in a multi-organ infection in the body. The person who does MBBS has the idea of what type of prescriptions are to be written. As per the MTP Act 1971, there is a provision of a three-year jail term if unqualified persons perform procedures. The Medical Council has been acting tough on the RMPs and the quacks, who are taking up the procedures. The council has been taking up surprise checks, and so far, they have ensured 350 FIRs are registered against the quacks.

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