Nellore prisoners churn out masks to fight shortage amid coronavirus

Nellore prisoners churn out masks to fight shortage amid coronavirus
Production of masks by prisoners in Nellore

As Coronavirus positive cases are increasing in two Telugu states, there is also increasing demand for masks and sanitizers and the government is also focusing on these issues.

As Coronavirus positive cases are increasing in two Telugu states, there is also increasing demand for masks and sanitizers and the government is also focusing on these issues. Meanwhile, the production of masks began with the help of prisoners in some prisons in Andhra Pradesh especially in Nellore.

The production of the masks is going at brisk pace to provide to peoples earliest possible. AP Minister Gautam Reddy ha tweeted to this extent by writing, "Great contribution from incarcerated inmates of Central Prison, Nellore in this time of need. These inmates have taken the initiative to prepare face masks for preventive care of Thank you."

Netizens have also praised the idea that making masks in prisons is a good idea and thanked the prisoners who have stood in these critical times.

Another important decision was made by the AP government of setting up of Mobile farmer bazaars to make the essential commodities available to the people.

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