Sidda's daughter-in-law is star campaigner

Siddas daughter-in-law is star campaigner
Sidda’s daughter-in-law is star campaigner

The daughter-in-law of Sidda Raghavarao, Sruthi has become the star campaigner for her father-in-law and the TDP Ongole Lok Sabha candidate.

Ongole: The daughter-in-law of Sidda Raghavarao, Sruthi has become the star campaigner for her father-in-law and the TDP Ongole Lok Sabha candidate. Sruthi is leading door-to-door campaign in Ongole town visiting the women at homes, workers in shops and gathering their support for Sidda Raghvarao.

Though Raghavarao's wife Lakshmi Padmavathi is popular in Darsi and Ongole for her motherly interaction with public, Sruthi has grabbed the attention of all classes as she is daring the sun leaving all facilities behind to walk with other party workers. Manyam Suneetha, daughter of Raghavarao, Damacharla Satyalatha, wife of Damacharla Janardhana Rao is also being part of the campaign regularly.

On Saturday, Sruthi participated in the campaign in Throvagunta along with the party cadre and requested the public to vote for cycle to continue the development activities in the constituency. She said that all assembly constituencies in the Ongole Lok Sabha will be developed by Raghavarao like he developed the Darsi assembly constituency.

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