Tirumala: Revanth prays at Tirumala, wishes good ties with Andhra Pradesh

Tirumala: Revanth prays at Tirumala, wishes good ties with Andhra Pradesh

Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy and family outside the temple after having darshan of Lord Venkateswara Swamy on Wednesday


Says TS govt plans to construct a ‘Satram’ and ‘Kalyana Mandapam’ on the hill to provide better facilities to devotees from the state

Tirumala : Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy, along with his family members, offered prayers at the hill shrine of Lord Venkateswara in Tirumala on Wednesday.

Earlier in the morning, the family performed the tonsure ceremony of Reddy’s grandson before proceeding for darshan of the Lord. Accompanied by his wife, daughter, son-in-law and grandson, the Chief Minister had a darshan and sought divine blessing.

Addressing the media after having the darshan, Revanth Reddy said he prayed for continuing good relations between both the Telugu states and for their development.

He said he was keen to have friendly relations with the new government to be formed in Andhra Pradesh to address the inter-state problems.

He said that the Telangana government plans to construct a ‘Satram’ (choultry) and ‘Kalyana Mandapam’ on the hill to provide better facilities to devotees from Telangana.

He also stated that the Telangana government wants to participate in making arrangements for the devotees coming to the temple from various parts of the country.

The Telangana CM said after completion of the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, he would meet the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh to request him to involve Telangana in providing amenities for the devotees coming to Tirumala temple.

To a query, CM Reddy said his government would work for the welfare of farmers. He voiced happiness over the forecast of a good monsoon and hoped that this would result in a good crop this year and help in overcoming problems caused by drought last year.

After the darshan, temple priests blessed the Chief Minister and his family with traditional Veda Aseervachanam.

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