Few Tips to follow while riding Bike in the Cold Weather

Try to stay warm, by wearing helmet, gloves, leather jacket and shoes.

Try to stay warm, by wearing helmet, gloves, leather jacket and shoes.


The December month has arrived and the cold spell already begun to become worsen. You will definitely start feeling undoubtedly chilly, while riding a motorbike in this cold season.

The December month has arrived and the cold spell already begun to become worsen. You will definitely start feeling undoubtedly chilly, while riding a motorbike in this cold season. Here, you can find few tips, which will help you stay warm while riding the bike in a cold weather.

Leather jacket and waterproof pants

You must pack yourself very well, while riding a motorcycle and more importantly, you must wear a leather jacket while riding a motorcycle. The leather jacket will help you keep warm in chill weather. While commuting you may encounter mud, water and also snow, hence when you can also wear water proof pants, as it will help you from getting wet.

Gloves: In the winter, the fingers tend to become cold while riding the motorcycle, hence it may cause fingers to freeze. You can use good glows to avoid this situation.

Helmet: Helmet is very significant in any weather as well as any situation. It helps protect your life, when accidents tend to happen. When you wear helmet, your entire face tends to get covered with a helmet and thus, you do not feel the wind.

Shoes: Whenever you tend to ride a motorcycle, you must cover your feet, as this is one of the parts of the body, which feel the coldest. Your body, tend to feel warm, when you wear shoes.

Increase visibility: You can also add few adhesive reflective strips to the frame of your bike. Bike lights do not only make you visible in the dark, but it also helps you to seen in the fog as well snowfall.

Wash your bike after the ride: You must wash your bike after use in order to avoid dirty water as well as snow getting onto the bike parts. Both dirty water and snow can damage the bike parts over the period, if you do not the habit of cleaning frequently. If you do not have time to wash your bike, you can wipe as well as rinse it after your ride.

Plan a safe route: Biking in a cold weather is very risky, especially when you are riding alone. You must have a bike map, which will enable you to view all the routes towards your destination but you will not necessarily will be able to see where the risks are.

Familiar route: While planning a ride, you must select a route, which you most familiar with. By doing so, you will know, where to shelter in case you require to, you will know, where to go in case of unexpected circumstances.

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