List Of Important days in June 2021

List Of Important days in June 2021

List Of Important days in June 2021: National and International events


Important Days In June 2021 List: National & International Events

Important Days In June 2021: June is the sixth month of an annual year which consists of 30 days overall and is named after Roman goddess Juno. Keeping a tab on important days help us stay updated as well as come in handy for one's preparation for competitive exams.

1 June: World Milk Day, is commemorated to recognise the importance of milk and other dairy products in society in terms of economic growth and development, as the dairy sector contributes to the country's long-term development.

1 june: Global Parents Day, is observed to commemorate and acknowledge parents all around the world for their unselfish love and unwavering support for their children.

2 June: International Sex Workers Day.

After 100 sex-workers gathered together and addressed concerns about their dishonourable working conditions and work ethics on June 2,1975, the International Sex Workers Day was established. Unfortunately, police officers invaded the Church of Saint-Nizier in Lyon, France, where they gathered. This incident became even more of a national concern. Since then, the day has been observed around the world to protect the rights of sex workers.

2 June: Telangana Formation Day

The 'Telangana Formation Day' is observed on June 2nd to mark the addition of Telangana to India as the country's 29th state in 2014. Telangana's capital is Hyderabad.

3 June: World Bicycle Day

The United Nations General Assembly declared June 3rd to be International World Bicycle Day. Recognizing the adaptability and environmental friendliness of bicycles as a mode of transportation is a cause for celebration.

4 June: International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

Every year on June 4, the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression is commemorated. It is a day to raise awareness of children who have been subjected to harassment in their life, whether it is physical, mental, or emotional abuse, and to remove such behaviour from society.

5 June: World Environment Day

This is the most significant day for nature out of all the key days in June. Eco Day or Environment Day are other names for World Environment Day. This day is observed all around the world to raise awareness about the importance of environmental protection. 'Time for Nature' was the subject for World Environment Day 2020, with a focus on nature's role in providing the basic infrastructure that supports life on Earth and human development. It is the primary vehicle through which the United Nations promotes environmental awareness and action.

7 June: World Food Safety Day

In the year 2019, the World Food Safety Day was established. The purpose of the 2nd World Food Safety Day (WFSD) is to raise awareness and motivate people to help avoid, detect, and control foodborne risks, thereby promoting food security, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market access, tourism, and sustainable development. WHO, in conjunction with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), is happy to assist Member States in commemorating World Food Safety Day.

8 June: World Brain Tumour Day

Every year on June 8th, the World Brain Tumour Day is commemorated to bring global attention to the disease of brain tumours. The German Brain Tumor Association was the first to commemorate this day (Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.). It is a non-profit organisation that teaches and raises public awareness about brain tumours. The Government of India has launched the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Stroke, with the goals of preventing, screening, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment, including palliative care in end-stage non-communicable diseases.

8 June: World Oceans Day

Every year on June 8th, World Oceans Day is commemorated to attract public attention to the oceans and aquatic life. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about ocean conservation and preventing water pollution.

12 June: World Day Against Child Labour

World Day Against Child Labor is marked on June 12th to draw attention to the global scope of child labour and the actions and efforts required to eradicate it. It was first released in the year 2002.

14 June: World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day is observed every year on June 14th. The event began in 2004 as a way to raise awareness about the importance of safe blood and blood products. This day also honours and praises blood donors for their selfless, life-saving contributions.

15 June: Global Wind Day

On the 15th of June, the world commemorates Global Wind Day. It's a day for learning about wind energy, its potential for reshaping our energy systems, decarbonizing our economy, and boosting jobs and growth.

15 June: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

WEAAD (World Elder Abuse Awareness Day) is observed in the United States and around the world. We raise awareness about the millions of older persons who are victims of elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation through WEAAD.

This day is also recognised as significant by the United Nations General Assembly.

18 June: Autistic Pride Day

The goal of this day is to create awareness among those who are not on the autistic spectrum condition so that autistic persons are seen as unique persons rather than as persons who require treatment.

19 June: World Sickle Cell Awareness Day

Sickle Cell Disease has a significant impact on our haemoglobin levels, resulting in low oxygen levels in our bodies. Every year on June 19, the 'World Sickle Cell Awareness Day' is commemorated to raise awareness about this disease.

19 June: World Sauntering Day

On June 19th, the 'World Sauntering Day' is observed around the world to remind people that life is more than just worries, and that they should enjoy it to the utmost.

20 June: World Refugee Day

Every year on June 20th, it is commemorated. It is observed to pay tribute to all refugees, raise awareness, and ask assistance.

In Resolution 55/76, adopted on December 4, 2000, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 20th to be World Refugee Day beginning in 2000. The General Assembly acknowledged in this resolution that 2001 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention on the Rights of the Child.

21 June: World Music Day

The first all-day musical festival on the day of was organised by Jack Lang, France's Minister of Culture, and Maurice Fleuret, and took place in Paris in 1982. Music Day is now observed in more than 120 nations around the world.

21 June: World Hydrography Day

Every year on June 21st, World Hydrography Day is commemorated. The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) established this day as an annual commemoration of hydrographers' efforts and the importance of hydrography. It also raises awareness about the importance of safe navigation and the preservation of marine life.

21 June: International Day of Yoga

Since 2015, the International Day of Yoga has been observed on the 21st of June every year. Yoga is an ancient Indian physical, mental, and spiritual discipline. The date of 21 June was chosen by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his UN address on September 27, 2014, because it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many regions of the world.

The first International Day of Yoga set two records: the largest yoga class and the most number of nations attending.

21 June 2021: World Fathers' Day

Every year on the third Sunday in June, World Fathers' Day is commemorated. Father's Day is a day dedicated to celebrating paternity, paternal connections, and the impact of dads on society. The day is widely observed and celebrated around the world.

23 June: International Olympic Day

The goal of International Olympic Day is to encourage people to participate in sports in large numbers. National Olympic Committees are deploying athletic, cultural, and educational events that address everyone – regardless of age, gender, social background, or sporting skill – based on the three pillars "move," "learn," and "explore."

The United Nations Public Service Day is observed to honour and facilitate public servants' contributions to society. On June 23, 1948, the inaugural Olympic Day was observed.

23 June: United Nations Public Service Day

Every year on June 23, the United Nations Public Service Day is commemorated. The first Awards Ceremony took place in 2003, and the United Nations has received a growing number of nominations from all over the world since then.

UN Public Service Day acknowledges and encourages young people to pursue jobs in the public sector by celebrating the value and virtue of public service to the community, highlighting the role of public service in the development process, recognising the work of public servants, and encouraging young people to pursue professions in the public sector.

23 June: International Widows' Day

International Widows' Day is commemorated to raise awareness about human rights for widows who, regrettably, face a lot of backlash when their spouses pass away.

26 June: International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

The United Nations' International Day Against Drug Misuse and Illicit Trafficking is a day dedicated to combating drug abuse and unlawful drug trafficking. Since 1989, it has been celebrated on the 26th of June every year.

One of the most dangerous health issues is drug misuse. Apart from dangerous infections like HIV, hepatitis, and tuberculosis, it has a number of negative consequences, such as economic loss, antisocial behaviour like stealing, violence, and crime, and other activities.

30 June: World Asteroid Day

Every year on June 30th, 'Asteroid Day' is commemorated. It commemorates the Siberian Tunguska catastrophe, which occurred on June 30, 1908, and was the most dangerous known asteroid-related occurrence on Earth in recent history. In a resolution, the United Nations declared June 30 to be International Day of Peace.

Important Days in June 2021: List Of National & International Events

List of Important Days in June
Date Days
1st June World Milk Day
Global Parents Day
2nd June International Sex Workers Day
Telangana Formation Day
3rd June World Bicycle Day
4th June International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
5th June World Environment Day
7th June World Food Safety Day
8th June World Oceans Day
World Brain Tumour Day
12th June World Day Against Child Labour
14th June World Blood Donor Day
15th June Global Wind Day
World Elder Abuse
Awareness Day
17th June World Day to Combat
Desertification and Drought
18th June Autistic Pride Day
20th June World Refugee Day
21st June World Hydrography Day
International Yoga Day
World Fathers' Day
World Music day
23rd June International Olympic Day
United Nations Public Service Day
International Widow's Day
26th June International Day against
Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking
30th June World Asteroid Day

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