Parenting is Fun: Know Few Amazing facts of Human Babies

Babies tend to understand words at the age of 6 months. Language develop later, but until then, infants tend to find it easier to understand words than to say them.

Babies tend to understand words at the age of 6 months. Language develop later, but until then, infants tend to find it easier to understand words than to say them.


  • New parents might be excited to know amazing facts of new borns.
  • Babies grow faster

Here, you can find the list of few amazing facts of the new born babies.

Babies are bone with 300 bones

Adults have nearing to 206 bones in their bodies whereas the babies come into the world with 300 bones. A baby's malleable skeleton makes the birth easier, numerous bones of the baby are initially connected by a sort of membrane.

Stomach size is of cherry

Babies often need nursing as new born baby stomach size is of cherry and within week, its size expands to size of an egg.

Born without kneecaps

Babies are born with flexible cartilage, this helps avoid injuries during their birth, later this cartilage becomes bone.

Newborn have poor vision

New born babies have very limited vision, they cannot see further than 20 cm (8 inches), they are able to detect only some color and they cannot judge distance too well. Their vision, however develop very quickly and by age one, it is similar to that of an adult.

No Tears

During the initial few months of life, infants do not release tears when they cry, in fact babies can make tears, their tear ducts are not fully formed and the quantity of the tears is insufficient to actually flow from their eyes. Tears tend to form only after 2 to 3 months of age.

Fattest babies in the animal kingdom

During birth, human babies have about 15% body fat, thus making them fattest species in the entire animal kingdom.

Babies can be born with teeth

Few children are born with a tooth, known as a natal tooth, the causes of such phenomena still remain undetermined, but few hypotheses point to exposure to toxic substances during the pregnancy.

Taste buds in throat

Yes, you have heard it right, babies in fact have more tastebuds than adults. They even have tastebuds in their throats.

Gestures resemble of Chimpanzees

As per the recent study, human babies and chimpanzees do share 89% of their gestures. Researchers have arrived at the conclusion after observing that 2 species in their natural environment and noting significant similarities between them.

Weight gets tripped in a year

A full-term baby weighs on an average between 2.6 kg and 3.8 kg. babies would then lose a few grams before regaining them at 2 or 3 weeks of age. By 4 or 5 months of age, most children would double their weight and at one year, their weight would be 3 times, what they have weighed at birth.

They understand 3 times more words what they can say

Babies tend to understand words at the age of 6 months. Language develop later, but until then, infants tend to find it easier to understand words than to say them.

Able to recognize mother's voice

Researchers have analyzed that; newborns brains are able to distinguish between voice of their mother and that of unfamiliar woman. Studies have revealed that, babies clearly react differently when hear their mother's voice.

Hearing is a fetus's sharpest sense

At 24 weeks, fetuses can hear their mother's heartbeat and digestive system and around 5th or 6th month, they begin to hear the external sounds.

Cord blood only belongs to the baby

If a fetus needs a blood transfusion and it is incompatible with the mother's blood type, a transfusion can be given directly to the baby.

Sleep a lot

From the age 4 to 11 months, they tend to sleep between 12 and 15 hours each day.

Hugs are essential

Hugs are undeniable and their numerous benefits include relationship development, improved health and better sleep and just to name a few.

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