Stay fit at home without going to gym!

Stay fit at home without going to gym!
Stay fit at home without going to gym!

The current pandemic has changed lives across the globe

The current pandemic has changed lives across the globe. The idea of normal in a pre COVID-19 and during COVID-19 world has changed drastically. As most of us do our best to stay home and avoid social contact, this has also altered our regular routines and minimized physical activity for many. With gyms across India still shut down, and people still being advised to stay as much indoors as possible, it's important to take matters into our own hands, and make sure we stay fit and healthy – despite the challenges. Below are some tips that can help you stay fit and healthy while staying safely indoors:

Snack smart

Staying at home all the time brings along with it the temptation to binge eat. With nothing much to do at home, boredom can lead to a lot of unnecessary snacking – which can cause unwanted weight gain. While it might be difficult to fight these temptations, it's best to revise your snacking habits altogether. The next time you go grocery shopping, skip all fried or baked snacks and instead buy nutritious foods like almonds which can be snacked on and also contain satiating properties.

Your home is now your gym

When you are at home put on clothes that are suitable for a workout. This could be tights and t-shirt set. Once you are dressed, it would be a waste to not put your body to the task, isn't it? If you aren't able to dedicated time to your workout, add it within your everyday tasks. For example - while putting away groceries, instead of placing milk cartons or canned foods in the fridge, use them as weights and do a few bicep curls or lift them over your head a few times. Do this for both the arms to prevent muscle imbalances. Similarly, use other household chores or things to fit in a few exercises throughout the day. Lift buckets of water, or take the stairs a few times or even fit in some sets of quick exercises such as jumping jacks, crunches or push-ups while watching TV.

Your hobbies are now your personal trainers

Another way in which you can stay fit while being home is by using your hobbies as your fitness partners. If you love dancing then put on your favourite music and dance it out. Dancing is a good and effective cardiovascular activity. It results in usage of calories and helps keep a person fit. Alternately, if you are very particular about cleanliness – that could be your workout.

Health journal to the rescue

During your journey to become fitter and healthier, it's equally important to keep track of what you are eating every day and monitor progress. This could be via a diary or with the help of apps on smartphones. Make sure to note down everything you eat throughout the day. At the end of the day, total the number of calories, protein, fat and fibre that you ate. Based on these numbers, try and figure out how to improve and manage your diet.

— Sheela Krishnaswamy, Nutrition & Wellness Consultant

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